
Active Member
Recently my office was relocated near a regional airport.
(well, within 15nm actually)

As I was sitting here, I wondered how nice it would be to have an aviation radio to listed to approach/departure to ILM. You know, motivation music for the flyboy at heart while stuck 'workin for the man'.. :D
I had been wanting to buy a handheld radio as a backup when flying so, this would make an excellent excuse to do such.. :rolleyes:

I know that one of those $99 A/C Sporty desk radios (recieve only) would actually be the best choice for my office but, like I said.. assuming a handheld would receive, it would make a darn good excuse to get one.

Any of you guys got handheld reception on the ground at that range (15nm)
Just wondering..

Also, a special message to all those attending OSH this week.
I'm EXTREMELY jealous !!!!
However, I'm also glad for each of those able to attend.
Safe skies on your return trip...
A handheld should have no problem receiving aircraft in the air at 15nm but may it may be trickier hearing the tower though its very possible.
Things to consider are the type and size of the building you are in as well as how "noisy" it is electrically speaking. Computers, machinery, lighting, etc. will produce interference limiting your reception. If you are near a window in a non-metalic building it should help. If you are in the center of a metalic building with lots of interference producing equipment I doubt you will receive much, if anything. I tried this just last week with my KX-99 in the center of a glass building, but probably a very noisy environment. I was about 10 miles from the tower but I heard nothing, not even airborne transmissions or NOAA weather. Your best bet is to run an external antenna on the roof of course!
It just so happens that I live on my own strip about 15nm from Collin County Regional Airport (TKI). I can receive the tower on my handheld fine if I connect the external antenna that's on top of the hangar, but not standing on the ground with the rubber duck antenna. The rubber duck will receive flying aircraft from many miles away but not on the ground at TKI.
Noisy Building

I am right next to an airport. Well, just across the street. I have a hand held and I cannot get any reception at my desk.

I am on the far side of the building, not near any windows, and I am surrounded by computers and wireless Internet. So it might just be my building.
radio shack scanner

I have a radio shack scanner, much cheaper than a handheld. I live a mile from KORL and listen to ATC while I build in my garage. You can attach an external antenna if you need it, mine works great without it.
If you're inclined electrically, you can build a simple receiver. There are a couple of companies that make air band kits. For less than 40.00 and a little bit of solder you're set.