Anything Cleveland sells is good.
I have a Main Squeeze that I use for 1/8 rivets. Very nice.
I have an Avery that I use for most other things, like 3/32 and dimpling.
I also have an old US Tool squeezer that is smaller and handier than the others and I use it a lot for 3/32 and dimpling. The drawback is that is does not use standard yokes like #1 and #2 above, so if I need the no-hole, the Avery comes out.

Having standard yokes you can use on a hand or pneumatic squeezer is handy.

I have a 2", 3" no-hole, longeron and the 1-1/2 or so on the US tool. The more options you have, the better.

Happy spending!
Anything Cleveland sells is good.
I have a Main Squeeze that I use for 1/8 rivets. Very nice.

I have a main squeeze and it is very nice. Never used any other version, so can't compare. First plane was done entirely with a 4X gun, so these are not considered required equipment.
Hand squeezer

Cleveland was already mentioned.
Not mentioned and surprisingly useful are a big pair of Knipex smooth jaw pliers. They will squeeze #3 rivets very well. Great for tight spots.
Best hand riveter


Pro-level and really great for tigth spots. Expensive new, but there are some on eBay that are reasonable.
Cleveland was already mentioned.
Not mentioned and surprisingly useful are a big pair of Knipex smooth jaw pliers. They will squeeze #3 rivets very well. Great for tight spots.

Larry, what size do you use? I've seen you mention these before and I'm going to put them on my Christmas list :D I see they make a 7.25inch and a 10 inch.