
Well Known Member
I just took part in an Oregon Disaster Airlift Response Team (ODART) exercise this past weekend.
Our attempts at NVIS communications on 80 & 40 Meters were unsuccessful in connecting 90 miles. But I was able to connect out around 1000 miles...

SO, my question to those fellow Hams who are also RV drivers: What radio and HF antenna rig have you successfully installed in your airplane and where did you install the antenna?

73s, W8HMC
I have an antenna from Delta Pop Aviation for APRS. It’s located underneath my RV-10 in the middle of the empennage.
With one or both stations aloft, a 90 mile QSO on 2m might not prove that difficult. Sounds like your issues were primarily propagation-related on 80 and 40 if you were making contacts at 1000 miles out.

You asked for experienced feedback on rigs and antennas, and I have none beyond 2-meter stuff (in the plane). Based on my HF land mobile experience (it's the only operating I do anymore) I'd predict success with a compact remote-able rig such as the IC-7000 I use every day in the truck, paired with a trailing wire antenna end-fed via an auto-tuner, or possibly the base of a screwdriver antenna using a slant wire to the tip of the vertical stab instead of a stainless whip upper section they are meant to be paired with. None of this is going to be easy to implement; HF antennas on aircraft are always an engineering challenge.

Have fun. And consider the 60m band for NVIS.
We used a trailing wire on Bill Harrelson’s Lancair IV for his over both poles trip. It worked.

He used a standard ICOM radio with automatic antenna tuner - the tuner mounted aft near the antenna anchor point. The antenna anchor point was just forward of his VS. The wire is dragged on the ground prior to takeoff - so he kept a spare. Never needed it.

You will need to experiment with the wire length for your frequency(s) of interest as the tuner is not magic. I’d start with 30’ or so.
