
Well Known Member
I'm flying down to Halifax with a buddy next week. I've never flown in there. What airport is my best bet for flying in and parking my RV for a couple of nights, with taxi service to downtown Halifax?
The local club 172 had battery troubles a few weeks ago while in YHZ and the tie down fees were $25 a night (wow) . I do believe there is a landing fee. Only time I land in YHZ is to service my transponder and I think the avionics shop pays an annual fee to cover it's customers landing fee so I was not billed. The same club pays an annual fee so they don't get dinged every time a member lands ($100 I think). There is nothing else close and YHZ is not that close. I do believe they have shuttles into the city also. I would expect a cab to be on the high side.
Just copied this from the COPA website:

Parking fee 60

Comments About Fees

ALL private aircraft under 2000 kg (4400 lbs) MTOW are not assessed landing fees as COPA Flight 60 Halifax pays an annual fee that covers use of this airport by these aircraft. Flight 60 has paid the fee for current year.

Complete fees can be found at

Fuel Prices 100LL 2.19

Date of Fuel Prices 2017-08-23

Fuel Price Comments

Shell does not have Avgas 100LL. Ramp fee is $60.00 (tax in $69.00) ramp fee for singles or bigger (no exceptions). To be clear, if you stop on their ramp, you will pay $69.00. 902-873-3737 Esso does not have Avgas 100LL. They.charge $50.00 ramp fee with no exceptions. Gateway.located at the end of uncontrolled taxiways J and K, is the only source of Avgas 100LL The self-serve pump is located at the north-east end of their ramp. As of August 2017, their ramp fee was $40.00 (depending on size of A/C). They waive ramp fees for one day with the purchase of fuel. They also have Jet A1 fuel. Contact them ahead of time to arrange fuel, tie-downs, rental car and accommodations. Phone: (902) 873-1900 Call-out phone: (902) 802-2459 Air Freq: 129.1 Email: [email protected]


Shell AeroCentre 123.4Mhz Jet A-1 (with FSII), no 100LL (902)873-3737 Atlantic Sky Esso Avitat (902)-873-3575 129.3Mhz Gateway Phone: (902) 873-1900 Call-out phone: (902) 802-2459 Air Freq: 129.1 Email: [email protected] Gateway has excellent flight planning facilities, wifi, clean washrooms, etc.
Man, that sucks. Have any of you flown into Porters Lake before? It's private, prior permission required...
Stanley, Debert and Kings County are all about a one hour drive to Halifax. Considering that it is a half hour drive from downtown Halifax to YHZ you are looking at an extra 30 minutes.
Debert may be easiest to get a rental car.
Kings County airport (Waterville) is permanently closed. Which sucks. I flew out of there with the Air Cadet glider program in '80 and '81. To my knowledge it was the only GA airport in the Annapolis Valley.

Stanley airport is way out in the puckerbrush. Don't expect ANY kind of taxi service, rental cars, etc. IIRC, it is about a 20 minute drive into Windsor (N.S.) from there.
Kings County airport (Waterville) is permanently closed. Which sucks. I flew out of there with the Air Cadet glider program in '80 and '81. To my knowledge it was the only GA airport in the Annapolis Valley.

Stanley airport is way out in the puckerbrush. Don't expect ANY kind of taxi service, rental cars, etc. IIRC, it is about a 20 minute drive into Windsor (N.S.) from there.

There is a new Kings County (CHL2) now open at Hillaton.
Well, isn't that embarrassing :) I grew up in the Annapolis Valley (Greenwood/Kingston) and went to Acadia University. Never heard of Hillaton.

Well, isn't that embarrassing :) I grew up in the Annapolis Valley (Greenwood/Kingston) and went to Acadia University. Never heard of Hillaton.


I only know because my son graduated from Acadia this year and he is working in Halifax. I am looking for a place to store the plane on my visits.
Halifax Visit

I'm out of Stanley(CCW4). It would be a good place to stop, runways are all good. The only problem is you would have to get someone to pick you up. I would do it but I'm up in Gatineau (CYND) getting some work done on the 4. Don't go to Halifax (CYHZ) and stay at Gateway. They're very expensive and nothing but asswholes who work there. There's one guy there that should be fired. He needs a huge attitude adjustment.
Good Luck

Phil, I just came back from NS in the last 2 weeks. Didn't go to Halifax as they were far from GA friendly last time I was there, no tie downs, fuel was expensive, fees etc.
My recommendation would be go to Greenwood (need prior permission), or Debert (have heard great things about that airport), or Trenton (where we were). Certainly the Trenton manager, local AME's were all very helpful and friendly. Unfortunately a rental car is required, thus the reason we went to Trenton, as it was easy to arrange.