
Well Known Member
This weekend I flew my RV up to Latrobe, PA and my airplane got stuck outside on the ramp. The FBO had ZERO tiedown spaces. No, it wasn't that they had non available -- they simply had NONE! So I resorted to double-chaulking it and hoping for the best. The FBO had a hangar available so my idea was to keep a close eye on the weather and if I saw significant weather moving in I would go out and taxi my RV over to their hangar. As luck would have it, I was out on a long white water rafting trip when a huge thunderstorm rolled through and drenched my airplane (and our crew on the river!). Winds were gusting to 45 at one point. The airplane held up well with my gust locks and I found not a single drop of water in the tanks (I've heard horror stories).

Anyway, this had me thinking about my upcoming trip to OSH. Has hail ever been a problem there? I would think hail and extreme winds would be about the only thing that has me concerned about leaving my airplane outside for a week in the summer with nowhere to put it if the worst happens.

BTW: Here's a pic of our return flight over the Appalachians:

Whenever you are flying CC bring your own tie downs.

Yes, hail can be a problem at OSH. I have seen it hail within a mile of the airport. God must like aviation cause I've never seen it hail at the actual event. There is nothing you can do other than make sure you have insurance. I suppose you could throw sleeping bags over the wings & tail.
Thoughts on this

Hi Jamie,

There really isn't anything you can do about hail if it happens. Don't know if there is a history of hail occurring at Osh or not.

I carry clear packing tape and tape over my fuel caps. This protects them from the heavy rains that can occur and also tampering. I carry soft vinyl tape and tape the front gap for my tip up canopy. Even with a cover water can get in. With the tape, no problems at all. It is easy to remove.
It wouldn't have helped. There was no grass!

That's true at Arnie Palmer's...I was out there not too long ago, and it's a whole lotta concrete and asphalt, and the fences are on the ramp.

Glad you came away unscathed!! That would make me nervous to go back to the airport! :eek:
Yeah, Monday morning quarterbacking is easy. The hangar would have set me back $180.00 ($60/night)!

OUCH! That is pricey! Now I know why you left it out! Was there a better airport in the area? The most I've ever paid was $30 a night / heated, in the dead of winter!
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It's been a big year for hail in the upper midwest... but the odds of hail damage at Oshkosh -- or anywhere else for that matter -- are pretty long.

The brushfires will get you first.:D
It's been a big year for hail in the upper midwest... but the odds of hail damage at Oshkosh -- or anywhere else for that matter -- are pretty long.

The brushfires will get you first.:D

i forget if it was two years ago now, but we had a major thunderstorm system come through and damage many airplanes, vehicles and houses in the Bend area. I know that Columbia had quite a few planes outside that had significant damage. shortly after (within a year or two), their finances caused them to declare bankruptcy. I am not saying the hail damage caused the bankruptcy, but it sure didn't help any.
In the 25 years that I have been going to OSH, I have never seen or heard of hail damage. A couple of years ago one of the biblical storms that we get came through and a vender's tent came down and damaged an Ercoupe that he was using to demo a polishing product. I have also heard of airplanes not being tied down properly and suffering the consequences.

But never hail.

Now that I said that, maybe I should pack a couple extra sleeping blankets for N782P.............:rolleyes: