Piper J3

Well Known Member
I woke up at 6:30am and it was 30F outside with a heavy frost on the grass. I texted the hanger cell phone switch to turn on the engine preheater for 2-1/2 hours. When I got to the plane at 9am skies were sunny and no clouds. I powered the EMS and oil temp was 75F. I installed the largest of the three Van?s winterization covers for the oil cooler. I called the local AWOS and Density Altitude was -200 ft. Air was heavy so engine made more power and prop bit into the air really well causing the plane to accelerate fast on the take-off run. Initial climb rate was 1200 fpm with ? fuel and one person. 133 mph indicated cruise and 136 true at 2500MSL. Visibilty must have been 100 miles and air was smooth. Just love?n it?.
