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Saw an ad for for an RV for sale.

Made contact with the seller and looked at lots of pictures of a very nice airplane. Asked questions, got answers. Everything looked good so, I advised the seller that I was serious about buying, had no issues with the price and wanted to come see the plane.

I confirmed the next day additional information and reiterated that I like what I saw and that I was coming on the agreed day.

Purchased an airline ticket, flew 1200 miles, rented a room, rented a car and got up bright and early on the agreed day. Drove an hour and a half to finally meet the seller and look at the airplane.

Here is where I have to admit that it was one of the nicest RV's that I have ever laid eyes on. The workmanship and attention to detail were impressive.

The seller and I got along well, spoke about past experience and everything was going good.

After spending just over an hour talking, asking questions and looking, I announced it was beautiful and would buy it at full price, no conditions. :)

It was at this point that the seller announced that they weren't "selling the airplane today" just "showing it".

Wha, WHAT??? :eek:

Apparently, someone else held the "right of first refusal" and was coming to see the airplane three days later. :mad:

A full price, no condition buyer, was standing right in front of the seller, after having gone thru great time, trouble and expense and was being told for the FIRST TIME about this other party.

No amount of pointing out that this had never been mentioned, that I was ready to do a full price deal, that I had gone thru great time/trouble/expense, would change their mind. I was told I would have to wait till three days later to find out if I had a shot at it. :mad:

Given how absolutely nice this RV was, I knew that my chances were slim to none.

Needless to say, I was disappointed and worked hard to keep from freaking out on the seller.

That RV, did in fact sell to the other party and I learned a lesson.

I have redoubled my efforts to find an RV and will hopefully find one soon.
Agree he owes you, and one way to fish for uncertain sellers is to inquire about a deposit to hold the plane until you've made arrangements to see it or inspect it
I am not a lawyer but it seems to me saying something is for sale when it is not constitutes fraud in most states.
Pretty poor form on the part of the seller, IMHO. Hopefully they aren't a member here, as I'd like to think a VAF'er wouldn't jerk someone around like that. If he is a member here, you know who you are, and see other's opinions of your actions to hopefully avoid a repeat.

Still, I'd definitely be hitting him up for some coin to cover your expenses - particularly if he didn't make this "viewing only" condition clear to you before you spent a wad of cash to see his airplane.
Little late for you but when I buy from a private seller I ask two main questions before looking at an item; 1) any issue with a personal check and 2) can I take immediate possession upon agreement of terms.

If they're against #1 I know I'll have to run to a bank. If they're against #2 then it usually relates to number #1 and taking a hot check so I end up going to the bank anyway.
Bob Turner is on to something.

Seems to me he owes you the cost of travel and lodging for pulling that stunt. You lost time, but it's impossible to assign a number to that. If I seem a little harsh, it's because I recently had a very similar adventure. Still stings.
A personal check and immediate possession? I wouldn't accept those conditions either. If you want it right way then it needs to be certified funds of some kind. Better yet, use AOPA escrow services. They put the money in, deal gets signed, prebuy done etc. both parties agree to the transfer of the unds to seller. AOPA takes the risk.

And a sales contract!

At the price of a RV a personal check with immediate possession is very unreasonable.
I try and avoid this by asking what deposit, refundable, with a purchase agreement will they sign and accept.

You can ask where you stand in line wrt others showing interest.

If you didn't directly ask about others, I fear he only "should" have told you, without in-writing I'm not sure if travelling back for small claims court at further expense would win, I'm no lawyer.

In aviation, he just bought bad karma in tenfold your loss.

Please PM the name. I'd say post it, but this is a reallllly friendly/civil type space.
Contract First

Read AOPA website about airplane buying process. it is kinda like buying a house where you get a purchase contract signed first but contingent on inspection. Then you have the plane legally bound to you, subject then to your inspection. You are lucky you didn't pay an A&P $1,500 for an inspection before he told you it was promised to someone else.

PS, same process for buying a boat.

Before you spend mone going to look or inspect, have a signed sales contract. AOPA website has them.

Good Luck finding a great RV.
"They" are a member here. Not giving any public details on location, airplane, gender, nothing, simply because it is a pretty friendly group.

They know who they are and they made NO apologies, felt NO shame and said they would sleep just fine, even after I pointed out that what they did was simply WRONG.
A personal check and immediate possession? I wouldn't accept those conditions either.

Which is why I start with that conversation and go from there. I've had a guy require a cashiers check for an $1,800 motorcycle (even offered cash)... However when I bought my 172 project plane the guy took a personal check.

Bottom line, terms and possession should be laid out prior to checking anything out from a private seller.
If a seller has expense to show the plane, or just wanted to, he/she could contract against a tire kicker by charging for a non-purchase agreement without a valid finding. I'd sign to that if I were serious. Could draft it for the look-see or the pre-buy based findings. Just a spitball, I don't dig the idea.
It's not hard to fnd a valid flaw in paperwork or in MOST any plane. I'm not much for haggling in selling or buying, 5/5 buys were from firm sellers at agreeable prices to me. Happy all 5 times so far, so I'm bummed to hear a "firm" sts, priced-seller crawfished you.

Extreme example, the point is to get "it" in writing. I have a word doc from AOPA that seems, so far, 3x, to be fine getting the whole dance and manage expectations in writing. Allows for timelines in the viewing, pre-buy inspection, and delivery/pickup/transfer. I've added for next time a line about agreeing to sign any required state sales information, as one party may be in an "easy" state and the other in a burdensome state, and take a later effort if there is an error or blank not completed.

I find it as easy to show up, pre-agreed with a bank check and have the seller talk to the bank to confirm the bank check is "good". There are some holds even in those for full fund use by the seller, so escrow really is probably best. Can escrows trigger on a weekend day?
Having just sold my RV-10 last month and getting the promises and runaround from many potential buyers (tire kickers) if I ever do it again, I will not disclose to anyone if I have other potential buyer(s). I had my fill of no-shows and fence sitters that put other potential buyers off or looking in a different direction. If I did it again I would insist on a non-refundable earnest money deposit to hold the plane, otherwise its first come first served. ;)

If "they" are members of this site and "they" feel no shame and will sleep well , then they should have no problem identifying if you are "they" come forward and tell us who you are. After all you did nothing wrong, right..?
The AOPA form can handle that- however it IS refunded IF the pre-buy has a finding that cannot have an agreed remedy and disolves there. 4 sales, I understand your selling experience!

Having just sold my RV-10 last month and getting the promises and runaround from many potential buyers (tire kickers) if I ever do it again, I will not disclose to anyone if I have other potential buyer(s). I had my fill of no-shows and fence sitters that put other potential buyers off or looking in a different direction. If I did it again I would insist on a non-refundable earnest money deposit to hold the plane, otherwise its first come first served. ;)
If "they" are members of this site and "they" feel no shame and will sleep well , then they should have no problem identifying if you are "they" come forward and tell us who you are.

Which will also allow a balance to the story, not just the one sided rant----(albeit minor) from a first time poster, who will not even put his name in his profile.

At the current state of things on this thread, emotions seem to be outrunning common sense.

Until I see different, my perception of this thread is; a disgruntled anonymous individual trying to stir up support for perceived mistreatment at the hands of an (implied) unscrupulous seller.

I could be wrong here-----have been in the past, and most surely will be again in the future. This is not the first time someone has come on a public forum to garner support for their position. And, I do admit to taking the bait a time or two in the past........

But at the moment, I think I sense a bit of a piscine fragrance.

If the facts as detailed are true....what a tool the seller is.

Very uncool. Shopping and buying an airplane is a pretty big deal, way more exciting and fun then picking out a minivan. To go to that much trouble and cost and then be told...just kidding.

Not cool, i say we vote crappy fake seller off the island. :D
Which will also allow a balance to the story, not just the one sided rant----(albeit minor) from a first time poster, who will not even put his name in his profile.

At the current state of things on this thread, emotions seem to be outrunning common sense.

Until I see different, my perception of this thread is; a disgruntled anonymous individual trying to stir up support for perceived mistreatment at the hands of an (implied) unscrupulous seller.

I could be wrong here-----have been in the past, and most surely will be again in the future. This is not the first time someone has come on a public forum to garner support for their position. And, I do admit to taking the bait a time or two in the past........

But at the moment, I think I sense a bit of a piscine fragrance.

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