
Well Known Member
I read a bunch of stats on the weight comparison of the traditionally powered -7's and that alternative powered -7's. Most of the alternative's are on the heavy side (from what's printed and available for us to see). I talked to a guy today (name withheld because I didn't ask him to use it) who has an RV-7 with an Eggenfellner H-6 with the first generation redrive, and his empty weight is 1115#'s. I think that's pretty darn good! Now, he didn't go crazy with the panel, and the interior is not plush, but that's a VERY comparable weight!

A data point for speed and fuel burn...

He runs the engine rpm at 3900-4000 (1.82 ratio) right now because his prop has yet to be balanced (IVO Magnum). It's smoother than any other prop he's flown, but not quite smooth enough for him. At that setting, he is truing at 175mph, burning 6.7gph. He is somewhat limited with that redrive, but when the prop is balanced next week, he expects to run the prop/engine rpm a little higher, and be able to cruise at 190mph easily. He's at 140 hours with zero squawks, no added oil, no leaks, and nothing but grins.

This is impressive if the scales were accurate. I'm a little skeptical. The IVO is about 15 lbs. lighter than the MT but the backup battery and later flywheel add up to a lot more than this plus the H6 is about 65 lbs. heavier than the EJ25. I know what my EJ22T 6A weighs and this seems terribly light and a lot lighter than most other H6 powered 7s in the database. Of course I could be wrong.

The speed vs. fuel flow is good too. Maybe the IVO is the secret weapon for Subies!
rv6ejguy said:
This is impressive if the scales were accurate. I'm a little skeptical.<snip>
Yeah, I was too, but he repeated it a coupe of times, and I asked "Really?". His response was "Yep, 1115." I will have a chance to fly this airplane in the next month or so...I'll report post flight.
Well if he is sure about the scale accuracy, I am impressed! Building light has its payoffs in performance. I'd be interested in any more performance data on this aircraft. Please keep us posted.
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Not buying it

I'm not buying the weight or the speed at that RPM. There is not enough data however to make any conclusions. The weight certainly doesn't fall in line with others that have been reported.
What reason would he have to lie about it?


Same reason fish stories get bigger with the passage of time.
Jconard said:
I highly doubt that. I don't think he's the kind of person to do that, knowing him.

Also, why would he preface my flight with him with all this info? I should be flying with him within the month, and I don't see him telling tall tales with a ride so close.

I'm NOT saying I'm buying one of these, but I AM interested to the point that I'll at least listen to those flying them, and make an informed decision based on MY experience, not just what people say about them.

We'll see. I'll tell you what I see when I fly with him...
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