
Well Known Member
Anyone know where I can get a database update for the GX-55? I contacted Garmin and they said they no longer support it so I'm probably SOL but figured I'd ask here before giving up.

The GX-55 was a plug in GPS replacement for the LORAN units.

As I understand it, the GX-50, GX-55, GX-60, and GX-65 all take the same database.

I had a Jeppesen database subscription for my GX-60 that I let expire in March. I was not flying IFR to justify the expense.

In April, Jeppesen still sold updates. IF you would want an old database from early this year, I may be able to help. I have about a dozen cards that had old databases on.
Thanks guys. Looks like Jepp still will do updates but at $150 a pop or $450 a year.

Gary, I'll be back to the plane in a couple of weeks. I just purchased it so me see how outdated it actually is. That may work thanks.

John, appreciate the contact info.