
Well Known Member
I noticed at Oshkosh that several planes had a gust lock that had a rope and plastic holders for the empanage. The plastic was red. Does anybody have a source for this type of gust lock?
I'm not a fan of any type of external gust lock.

I use Anti-Splat Aero's gust lock that ties the control stick to the rudder pedals. Impossible to forget to remove it!
They are the ones from

Thank you for your help. I already have the one from Allen at Anti Splat Aero.
One of the concerns I have with the system from Allen is the control rods and bell cranks are absorbing the impact from wind gust.
while I like and use many of the Anti-splat products, their gust lock is not one of them. It works, but you must get in the plane to remove it, then climb back out to do your preflight check. Not so with external gust locks, which can be small and relatively easily fabricated on your own for very little money and materials. I can?t imagine accidentally taking off with them in place as long as you do a quick control check.

while I like and use many of the Anti-splat products, their gust lock is not one of them. It works, but you must get in the plane to remove it, then climb back out to do your preflight check. Not so with external gust locks, which can be small and relatively easily fabricated on your own for very little money and materials. I can?t imagine accidentally taking off with them in place as long as you do a quick control check.

Plus 1 but perhaps for different reason. I bought one and it was too cumbersome to use. I end up giving it away for free.
Plus 1 but perhaps for different reason. I bought one and it was too cumbersome to use. I end up giving it away for free.

I have one for my -9A. I?ll say that it works well, but during my first several uses I didn?t find it intuitive at all. Once I figured it out, it?s quite simple and fast to use. The video posted online didn?t really help me to learn to use it.
I have one for my -9A. I?ll say that it works well, but during my first several uses I didn?t find it intuitive at all. Once I figured it out, it?s quite simple and fast to use. The video posted online didn?t really help me to learn to use it.

Yes - agree. I tried it a few times - then went and re watched his video and realized I was installing it incorrectly. I was doing pedals first and having some difficulty. Switched to stick first and it all made much more sense.
I tried some external locks on my 8. I purchased the Anti-Splat and find it the best for me. Its compact and does a good job. The draw back if having to get into the plane to remove it does not seem to be a big factor for me.

Its extremely well made.
I have one for my -9A. I?ll say that it works well, but during my first several uses I didn?t find it intuitive at all. Once I figured it out, it?s quite simple and fast to use. The video posted online didn?t really help me to learn to use it.
Yes, tough the first couple of times. Much easier if you don't collapse the telescoping part, as it's kinda fiddly to line up the holes and insert the pin. Hats off to Allan for designing it...a nice piece of kit, as the Brits like to say. :)