Well Known Member
I know Iron Flight just recently went RV camping and the Dallas group just got back also. Where is everyone finding the airports with or near camping sites?

I will have some time off after Christmas and the girls will be at Church camp for the same time period. The wife and I are looking for some nice places in Texas or Louisiana to camp and just hang out and unwind. Any suggestions? Is there a book (other than the AOPA airport directory) that will list aircraft camping?

Thanks, Karl
Doug - I wasn't even aware of that little project of yours!

Another place someone posted here last year was:


It is a good place to start a search, but I've found that a lot of places that it lists as having "camping" are really farther from the field that you'd want to walk (unless you've packed for a backpacking trip). Still - a good place to start, with good web links to sites which describe the locations, so if you use it for research, it is pretty "honest" about what to expect.

I have really wanted to fly out to Big Bend to camp by the airplane, and made a call out to the Big Bend Ranch State Park, which has an airstrip. The lady I talked with didn't think you could camp right next to the airplane, but I got the feeling that no one would know if you did - doesn't sound like they get many visitors of any kind...

Ironflight said:
I have really wanted to fly out to Big Bend to camp by the airplane...
I'm not much of a Texas guy but I make an exception for Big Bend. I think this is one of the most incredible places on earth. Count me in for a camping extravaganza!


On several cross country trips I've attempted to use the AOPA Airport Directory to find places to camp with my plane. My experience has been that when they say "camping on field" it can range from a really nice campground with all the amenities, even showers, within easy walking distance to the parking ramp all the way down to - well, they probably wouldn't arrest you if you were nuts enough to attempt it. In short, not very useful - for that purpose at least.
Rec Guide

I have used The Flyer's Recreation Guide and have found some good camping air strips. Its a western USA book, so New Mexico may be as close as it gets. Try looking at www.airnav.com as well. It has photos of airports and some look good from the air. Hope you have a fun trip! Scott
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