
Well Known Member
Here's my situation: I've got the SB wings top-skinned, no FG yet. Flaps and ailerons done. Tanks (by Evans) in transit. I rec'd my QB fuse (and finishing kit - drool) this past Saturday.

Conventional wisdom, and I think the manual - would have me moving on to the fuse, not completing the wings at this point. I can't see any reason to not complete the wings - AP servo, wiring, FG, and closeout. There's really no mysteries, no decisions to be made, I can't see any 'I have to have both half done to decide about either' areas . . . .

I'd welcome any thoughts. I spent a couple hour in the shop (man cave) last night paralyzed by this little issue.

Thanks in advance.

Rick 90432
Here's one thought for you Rick,

You're right - it sounds like the wings are nearly done, and you know and understand what you still have to do. The fuselage is going to have new mysteries, and new place to get "stuck. How about leaving some of the easy wing tasks undone, so that when you get stuck on the a fuselage problem, you can go putter on the wing project (making progress!) while your subconscious works out the trouble with the fuselage.

I routinely leave "easy and known" projects for just this reason - in the long run, it speeds up the project by avoiding stalls.

Yup, this is a psychological game that you play with yourself - but for some, it works!

Just a perspective - of course if you have another reason to get a component finished, such as a need to move it to storage and get it out of your way, this might be an over-riding concern!


My only comment is that as I've been working on my fuselage, I've changed my mind a couple times about my landing lights and my pitot selection. If you already know what you want in the wings, there's no reason to put it off. Do it whenever you want. Of course, it doesn't hurt to leave the last bottom skin off until the very last minute.
The other side is to just knock 'em out. By the time you get the fuse done, you're going to be ready to finish the project, and going back to the wings might be the last thing you want to do.
Huh . . .

I figured this would happen. Good logic either way.

My problem is I like to say things are DONE. Really done. I hate interim steps. HATE.

I figure panel dreaming and fab can be my backup, maybe engine compartment planning too.

I'm going to get them done. Wiring, tips, the whole shebang. I had planned on connectors anyway - that automotive influence - so it's not an issue - and not those crappy molex things either. I can't believe they are still used.

Thanks for your time,

Rick 90432.
Finish the wings. Mine sat unfinished for almost two years. It drove me crazy. Get them done. One less thing to worry about down the road. Its all those little things that are biting me now. Also everything is fresh in your mind. There is no need to re-educate yourself on the task.