
Well Known Member
Hi RVators,

Happy NEW YEAR!!

One guess what I did this Xmas?

I created my own snow dust of course! Check out my over-all sleeves...
We are in the middle of Summer here in South Africa, so perfect Canopy weather.

Santa could not resist visiting me after seeing all the white snow flakes I created specially for him, so he brought me a BIG present! Like a little boy I carefully unwrapped it?

Simply Beautiful!!

Can you guys see that I am Excited, I had to wear a mask to hide it??? :D :) :rolleyes:
Holy Smokes!

Even Rudi's LAWN is neat as a pin!!!!! :eek:

Finish kit time was a lot of fun for me, and I bet you're enjoying it too Rudi - can't wait to see the stop-motion install of the engine. Your videos are not only a huge inspiration for folks, but a tremendous archive into the entire process of building an RV.


Very, very nice..........outstanding. :D

The best to you and yours from Georgia........ ;)
RudiGreyling said:
Simply Beautiful!!

Now Rudi, you could have put some antlers on that thing and it would have been "rudolph" :)... Congrats.
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I'd know that look anywhere, Thats a Superior Injected XP-360. Simply the nicest engine available. Ask me how I know.
You got it Jeff! Looks just like mine huh.

I was noticing the same thing about the yard Paul. How can he keep the shop and the yard done that nice and also find time to build? :D

AWESOME! Way to go! That is a wicked nice lawn!


That is a SA-WEEEET engine too!

When ya gonna get the prop?!?

:p CJ


I'm drooling over my keyboard at that engine.

The lawn...I gave up on that a year that it doesn't grow, I have more time to build. :p

Filling out order form
RV_7A said:
I'd know that look anywhere, Thats a Superior Injected XP-360. Simply the nicest engine available. Ask me how I know.

And all this time I thought that the nicest was the XP-400...
Hi Guys,

You guys made my day, I laughed out loud in the office!!

Responding to your comments:

The Lawn:
We had our best rains here in years, so the lawn grows by it self, lucky the picture was taken just after it has been cut :D or maybe it is green snow, you know we get funny stuff here in the southern hemisphere and in dark Africa... ;)

The slow stop Movie:
I am keeping taking pictures of the build, will release another version when I have enough pictures again

Yes it kinda look like Rudolph the red nose, doesn't it :p

Yip it is an XP-IO-360, 180 HP, Roller cams, with Constant Speed hollow crank, and Upside down Fuel lever arm to fit Vans Airbox.

John, I have the prop, it is a Fixed Sensie, Don't have any pictures though

Kind Regards