Well Known Member
I wanted to add a test of the audio alerting function (traffic and/or altitude deviation alerts) of my GTX345 transponder to my after start checklist, but I cannot find anywhere in the pilot guide that says how to test it.

Does anyone here know how to test that the audio output is functioning and that the alerts will become active when needed? The way you set an altitude alert doesn't allow for it to be set to a value above or below your current altitude, so that method won't work either.

I called Garmin technical support this morning, and they confirmed that there is currently no way for the pilot/user to test the audio output from the GTX345 transponder. I suggested it would be a good idea to be able to do so, since the audio ouput is used for traffic and altitude alerting. It would be good to be able to test its function, similarly to how we test warning and alarm indicator lights during preflight / pre-takeoff, or how audio alerts are tested during power up on some other avionics.

I suggested it would be a good feature to add in a future software update, and they said they would take the suggestion to the engineering team.

So, maybe someday?