Hi, so I have a GTX345 and a G3X. I have wired as per the interconnect, but the G3X has the Transponder flagged, and in setup, the diag panel say no transponder data. I have triple check the serial from the GSU25 to Serial 1 on the transponder. The 345 has V2.05

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Make sure the transponder is fully configured. It wont communicate properly if you don't do that.
I have a GTX35R and G3x. One issue I "discovered" is that I needed to configure the transponder to have TIS-A turned off, or it would not provide the ADS-B out! TIS-A is something different from TIS-B so you might talk to Garmin. Supposedly they are working on a software fix, but my guess is not a high priority now that we have TIS-B.
Yes, you do need to fully configure the transponder in the setup menu, as noted above.

Also, I found that I had to set up the comm ports as follows to make everything happy. The GPS needs to be on Port 2 or 3; the "ADS-B+ GPS" is only available on these ports.

Port 1: GSU25
Port 2: GPS 20A (format: ADS-B+ GPS)
Port 3: GDU 460 PFD (format: Connext Format 1)
Port 4: GDU 460 MFD (format: Connext Format 1)
I have a GTX35R and G3x. One issue I "discovered" is that I needed to configure the transponder to have TIS-A turned off, or it would not provide the ADS-B out! TIS-A is something different from TIS-B so you might talk to Garmin. Supposedly they are working on a software fix, but my guess is not a high priority now that we have TIS-B.

Hello Marty,

The issue requiring the TIS-A feature to be disabled on the GTX 35R has been fixed in all GTX 35R software versions newer than V2.05. Your dealer can install the current V2.12 software if you wish to re-enable TIS-A.

Thanks Steve for this news. I've installed this transponder in my RV-6A, including the computer update lead. Is it possible for me to do this update?