
Well Known Member
I am trying to make the Bluetooth connection between my G3X Touch and GTX 45R, which I understand is required to get lightning and some other weather data to the G3X. My MFD is searching but not finding the GTX. Is there a trick to put the GTX 45R into pairing mode so the MFD can find it?
I hope there is an answer, I am halfway there - my G3X will see the GTX45R via bluetooth and I have it check marked to autoconnect but it will not connect unless I do it manually (100% of the time). Even when I connect I have never seen the lightning data, it just sits there and says "waiting for data"
I was having similar issues. I found that my MFD works fine and will auto connect every time now. I believe that there are still bluetooth “bugs” in the G3X. I was having a horrible time with Garmin pilot, and have since switched back to Foreflight. Anyway… I have a feeling there is an issue with multiple connections at the same time. My iPad always connects to my PFD - and that is where i was having an issue with the transponder. As soon as I switched the transponder to the MFD, everything started working.

Hoping Garmin enables this data over serial sometime soon. The one thing that sucks doing it via bluetooth is that the new weather products are only enabled on the screen that has the bluetooth connection.
I am trying to make the Bluetooth connection between my G3X Touch and GTX 45R, which I understand is required to get lightning and some other weather data to the G3X. My MFD is searching but not finding the GTX. Is there a trick to put the GTX 45R into pairing mode so the MFD can find it?


Unfortunately, you don't say what equipment you have installed with your GTX 45R, but after digging through your past posts on this site, I see that you have a GTN.

When you have a GTN, you need to use the GTN Connext Setup page to enable Bluetooth on a GTX 45R/345 transponder as shown in the GTN pilot guide.


Hope this helps.


Unfortunately, you don't say what equipment you have installed with your GTX 45R, but after digging through your past posts on this site, I see that you have a GTN.

When you have a GTN, you need to use the GTN Connext Setup page to enable Bluetooth on a GTX 45R/345 transponder as shown in the GTN pilot guide.

View attachment 13330

Hope this helps.


Thank you for your efforts to decrypt my needs. I'll check the GTN settings the next time I get to my plane.
The suggestion above solved my problem. However, there was one additional step before the Connext setup page was available on my GTN. I had to go to the GTN configuration mode, find the page for interfaced equipment, and set the ADS-B data source to GTX #1. (Note: Not the transponder item in the same GTN menu.)
The suggestion above solved my problem. However, there was one additional step before the Connext setup page was available on my GTN. I had to go to the GTN configuration mode, find the page for interfaced equipment, and set the ADS-B data source to GTX #1. (Note: Not the transponder item in the same GTN menu.)

Yes, that guidance is in the G3X Touch Installation Manual on page 27-33.


Got the GTN.

Any ideas on pairing a GDU to the GTX via BT? The GTX does not show on the GDU BT screen.

In my setup (GTN connected via HSDB, GDU connected thru RS-232, iPad Foreflight connected thru Bluetooth) I get all ADS-B weather products on the GTN and iPad but not on the GDU.
Use the GTN to enable pairing mode on the GTX

Got the GTN.

Any ideas on pairing a GDU to the GTX via BT? The GTX does not show on the GDU BT screen.

In my setup (GTN connected via HSDB, GDU connected thru RS-232, iPad Foreflight connected thru Bluetooth) I get all ADS-B weather products on the GTN and iPad but not on the GDU.

In order to get your GDU to pair with the GTX you must put the GTX in pairing mode. You do this by opening the GTN Connext menu as described in post 4. When that screen says 'Pairing Mode: Enabled' then you can open the the Bluetooth menu on the GDU and the GTX will appear for pairing. Make sure 'Automatic Reconnect' is selected for the GTX or else the connection will be lost when you power down.

The G3x touch software release 8.91 and later does not need need Bluetooth for the weather products, it will instead use the RS-232 connection. You will also need to have GTX software 2.60+. See release notes here: https://vansairforce.net/community/showthread.php?t=199025
In order to get your GDU to pair with the GTX you must put the GTX in pairing mode. You do this by opening the GTN Connext menu as described in post 4. When that screen says 'Pairing Mode: Enabled' then you can open the the Bluetooth menu on the GDU and the GTX will appear for pairing. Make sure 'Automatic Reconnect' is selected for the GTX or else the connection will be lost when you power down.

The G3x touch software release 8.91 and later does not need need Bluetooth for the weather products, it will instead use the RS-232 connection. You will also need to have GTX software 2.60+. See release notes here: https://vansairforce.net/community/showthread.php?t=199025
Also, you can now upgrade your experimental-install GTX at home. I prefer a wired data connection to Bluetooth whenever possible, especially when the Bluetooth connection is limited to a single GDU and my plane has two of them so I couldn't see lightning and friends on both screens until the wired connection was enabled.
Great news. GTX45R software update complete and all ADS-B weather products now show on GDU's. Glad that Garmin finally allows us to update transponder software ourselves now.