
Well Known Member
After powering up my panel the only issue I have not been able to resolve easily is my transponder. It is receiveing power and turns on and off as evidenced by the screen going turning on. However, the entire screnn is a field of green. Every pixel is illuminated so there is no text or anything to read on the screen. I haven't found anything in the operator or maintenance manual to help me with this. Anyone have an idea what may be going on, or seen this before?

Eric Kallio
Putting the little pieces of an RV-10 into on big piece.
that sounds scary... In situations like that, very first thing I'd do is power it up with *just* the two wires for power and ground.. absolutely nothing else connected. if same thing happens, you may have to have Garmin take a look at it..

Yeah, that doesn't sound good. Especially since the unit doesn't want to come out of the mount rack. When it was installed it looks like the lock screw was buggered up so much I can't get the allen wrench to bite. Unless it is an odd piece of equipment that uses something other than the allen wrench. Not going to be happy if I have to disassemble the panel a few weeks from projected first flight. It worked when bench tested prior to shipment, have the pics to prove it, and everything else works. I am thinking of pulling the display module off of the front to see if the ribbon may be working loose in there somewhere.

Did you have someone else build the panel? It sounds like it, since you aren't sure about the Xponder needing an Allen wrench to remove it (it does - 3/32"I believe). If someone else put it in there, then the very first call I would make would be to them ,asking them to come and remove it, then fix anything they stripped. If it is new equipment in a new airplane, it should work like new!

My opinion, of course,

If I remember correctly the 330 is a little finicky getting out of the rack. I would just call Stein on both the rack and the screen issues.
