
Well Known Member
Just a little help please? I am currently running a Grand Rapids Dual HS system with the 429 ARNC options with a GNS430W and GTX330. Both the GRT system and the GNS430W display TIS-B traffic from the existing GTX330.

So, I recently upgraded my GTX330 to the ES (extended squitter) for ADSB-out. It came back with different settings and a few additional config pages having to do with the ADSB outputs. I was initially told no additional wiring would be required but I understand now that I will have to pull the connector on the 430W unit and add a RS232 output to feed the ES option on the GTX330ES.... that's a real pain in my airplane as the 430W is at the top of the radio stack. :(

I'll do what I have to do but I can't seem to locate a install/config manual for the newer or upgraded GTX330ES that shows the new config pages and what the options really do and where the pin in should go. I also understand that the GNS430W must be updated to the latest software as well but not positive what version that is.

Does anyone have a link to a newer manual showing the install/config options for the GTX330ES and any thoughts, comments, experience on the need to add the GNS430W RS232 output would be appreciated ??

Looked for manual links in other posts on "squitters" but didn't find any.

Thanks Bill S
Yes you have to add the wire for the serial connection between the 430W and 330ES..

New ADS-B config options are pretty straightforward.. I doubt you'll have trouble with them. Maybe if you get stuck on one or two you can post here?
I'll take a shot at helping you with this. The 430w main software must be at 5.03 and the GPS software at 5.0. The new software incorporates changes required to meet the ADSB spec. The format output is labeled ADSB+. This serial output provides ADSB GPS position data etc to the 330ES. So if you don't have a serial output from your 430 to your 330, one will have to be incorporated. I have a copy of the IM, but I am out of town and don't have access to it at the moment. Some one else may be able to provide you a copy. If you need the 430 updated, any dealer should be able to do it. Garmin provides the software free of charge, but the dealer may charge you for his time.

Here is a link to the manual
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I sent you copies of the install manuals and supplement. The supplement is meant for GRT but it also tells you the pinout on/in for the GTX

Thanks all, looks like I'm just in for a weekend of laying on my back over the spar, legs in the air, kinda thing.

You know, we all learn so much building one of these, it's a shame you can't build one just to learn on. My panel wiring access would certainly be a lot different..... :rolleyes:

It's just another job ... but I still love my RV ;)


I sent you copies of the install manuals and supplement. The supplement is meant for GRT but it also tells you the pinout on/in for the GTX

I helping a friend configure his newly upgraded 330ES to work with his GNS480 and GRT WS. He's lost TIS-A traffic on the GRT - any suggestions, or even better, a copy of the 330ES install manual? Anything would help.... (we already have the Garmin system maintain. manual, but it's not detailed enough to help.)

Just as with the 430W above, your 480 needs to have the latest software - you need to see "ADSB+" as an rs232 output format.

If you have an email I can send the 330 manual (pdf)

Holding down the FUNC key and pressing the ON key provides access to the configuration pages. The FUNC key sequences forward through the configuration pages. The START/STOP key reverses through the pages, stopping at the Menu page. The CRSR key highlights selectable fields on each page. When a field is highlighted, the 0 – 9 keys enter numeric data and the 8 or 9 keys move through list selections. Press the CRSR key to accept changes. When a field is highlighted, pressing the FUNC key moves to the next configuration page without saving the changes.
Changes made through the configuration pages are stored in EEPROM memory. To exit the configuration pages, turn the power off. Then turn on again (without holding the FUNC key) for normal operation"

If you have an email I can send the 330 manual (pdf)

Holding down the FUNC key and pressing the ON key provides access to the configuration pages. The FUNC key sequences forward through the configuration pages. The START/STOP key reverses through the pages, stopping at the Menu page. The CRSR key highlights selectable fields on each page. When a field is highlighted, the 0 ? 9 keys enter numeric data and the 8 or 9 keys move through list selections. Press the CRSR key to accept changes. When a field is highlighted, pressing the FUNC key moves to the next configuration page without saving the changes.
Changes made through the configuration pages are stored in EEPROM memory. To exit the configuration pages, turn the power off. Then turn on again (without holding the FUNC key) for normal operation"

Thank you, pm with my email addy sent.

Just as with the 430W above, your 480 needs to have the latest software - you need to see "ADSB+" as an rs232 output format.

Thanks, will verify tomorrow. He says that it has, but I'll make sure (I didn't see that protocol in his notes.)