
Well Known Member
Hello Gents

A friend is installing a Garmin 327 txpr in his airplane and would like to confirm that he did wired it properly before powering the unit.

For the ones of you who installed one, could you confirm his Pin out so that he doesn't blow up anything.

He's using PIN 2-8-15-20-25 ...He 's wondering if he needs to use Pin 1 to turn the unit on with the Avionic Master Switch??

He is using the encoder of his EFIS (Skyview )and wants the Txpr to be displayed on the EFIS.

He's got the same setting I have so it should work...

This will allow me to crosschecked mine also..:eek:

Thank you for your imputs..

Wired mine maybe 7, 8 days ago for the first time in my panel (and have had it working since). I did NOT use pin 1. I used 13 and 25 for pwr gnd, 15 for input power only (Table 2-5 Install manual). I use the front buttons to turn it on. Works as advertised. Dont forget to have a load or an antenna on the coax before you fire it up. Its not gonna like being unbalanced, tho cant say what will or wont do.....I just know I have mine loaded always.

oh I see you also are looking at the data lines. Thats entirely up to you/him. I didnt use external ident (its mere inches from my stick), but did use the serial1 lines to connect to my 480 GPS and eventually an EchoUAT. I dont display the 327 on my EFIS; my 480 displays it and can control, but I'm not gonna bother using it that way. Anyway, should be similar if not the same for you. If you have the same data IN speed for your EFIS as out, not sure why youd use Serial2 IN; but nothing says you cant. I suspect youre using different speeds tho.
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Hi Mani

Thank you for the reply

Looks like you're using just about the same Pin he and I are using.

We're using Pin 8 ( Ident) to connect the txpr to an Infinity Stick Grip and the RS-232 to connect it to the EFIS.

My harness was built by John Stark when I bought the txpr and we ''got a little confused '' when re-inserting the Pins :eek: and wanted to make sure we re-wired it properly before putting power back to it..Cheaper this way :)

Hoping to keep the smoke out of it..

