
Well Known Member
Can anyone tell me if the Pressure Altitude display on the GTX-327 should change as I change the altimeter setting on my GRT HS? I have the GRT wired from pin 1 to pin 19 on the GTX-327 as per the manuals. I also have the GRT set to 9600 baud and Fuel/Air Z format for Serial port 6. On the GTX-327 I have it set to FADEC w/ ALT on RS232 Input Ch 1. Altitude is displayed on the transponder but does not change as I change the altimeter setting.
I believe the 327 keeps the 1013 pressure setting regardless of what you input in your altimeter.

I checked at lunch and sure enough, putting 29.92 in the GRT EFIS matches the altitude on the GTX-327. Thanks for the insight! :)

One would think it would have to be set up that way as if someone inadvertantly had the wrong setting selected (way off) ATC would be dealing with a huge problem.