
Well Known Member
I have a GTR 200 that is receiving great but will only transmit a carrier, no voice. I replaced the radio but it is doing the same thing. I checked wiring and all looks good. (It was previously working.) Any ideas of what's wrong or how to troubleshoot? Thanks.
I have a GTR 200 that is receiving great but will only transmit a carrier, no voice. I replaced the radio but it is doing the same thing. I checked wiring and all looks good. (It was previously working.) Any ideas of what's wrong or how to troubleshoot? Thanks.

Have you tried with more than one headset (microphone)?
I have a GTR 200 that is receiving great but will only transmit a carrier, no voice. I replaced the radio but it is doing the same thing. I checked wiring and all looks good. (It was previously working.) Any ideas of what's wrong or how to troubleshoot? Thanks.
Hello Wayne,

We probably need to know a little more about your installation. A few questions:

  1. Are you using the internal stereo intercom on the GTR 200, or is it connected to an audio panel?
  2. If you are using the internal GTR 200 intercom, does this work well between pilot and copilot?
  3. If you use the copilot PTT button and mic, is the radio transmission good?

It is connected to a GMA 350c audio panel (stereo). It is the same on copilot transmit, carrier only. (Hadn't even thought of checking that!)
Thank you for the help.

It is connected to a GMA 350c audio panel (stereo). It is the same on copilot transmit, carrier only. (Hadn't even thought of checking that!)
Thank you for the help.

Hello Wayne,

Given that the GTR 200 has already been replaced, and the problem still exists, it would seem best to focus on why the pilot/copilot mic audio is not reaching the GTR 200 from the audio panel.

You don't say if the pilot and copilot are able to talk to each other over the audio panel intercom, but if so, this would tell us that the mic audio is getting to the audio panel from the pilot/copilot headsets.

I would remove the audio panel from the rack and inspect the pins on both sides responsible for transmitting mic audio to the GTR 200.

You might even find that just re-seating the audio panel in its rack will fix the issue.

You should also verify that no one has enabled the internal intercom on the GTR 200.


Turns out it was a loose mic audio pin connection. Couldn't have found it without everyone's help. Thank you!