
Well Known Member
My plane will not have any kind of dimmer switch. So do I simply leave the GTR 200's lighting buss wire disconnected, and the power lead will supply "standard" lighting? I will rarely, if ever, fly at night and I'm sure the default setting will be fine for daytime.

Also to you Garmin gurus...on the GTX 327 transponder, there are two power leads, one marked "Avionics Master On" and the other "GTX 327 Power." Do I need to connect both to power, or is one for a backup battery?
I think the GTR 200 has photocell controlled lighting, so you really do not need a dimmer. Leave the dimmer connection open.

Wire the "power" on the 327 to power, thru a CB or fuse.If you also wire "avionics master" to power then the 327 will boot up in the mode it was in at shut down. I recommend you do this; current guidance in AIM is to leave the transponder on "Alt" all the time, including on the ground.

PS You really should get installation manuals. You can find them for free on the internet.
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Thank you Bob, I was looking at the wire diagram in the manual and I too was lost as to the need for two power wires. Your explanation makes sense. Is it correct to say that the power wire comes from the battery bus ( always live bus) and the other power wire comes from the avionics bus.
Thanks, Bob. I've looked at the installation manuals for both the transponder and comm radio online many times, but often they're just not explicit in some areas. I value your response!

One more question: does the "Power" wire go directly to the battery (fuse-protected, as you said) and not shut off by the master switch? Does this arrangement risk damaging the transponder through a current spike from the starter motor? My comfort factor makes me want to make it live only through the avionics buss.
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I ran both the wires in question to the same CB, which get its power off the avionics buss. It powers up in ALT mode when I turn on the avionics master.