Well Known Member
I have a GTR 200 that often breaks squelch on many frequencies. I have noticed that when I power off the 430w, the squelch break on the GTR 200 immediately stops. When I power on the 430w, the squelch break on the GTR 200 immediately returns the moment the 430w power knob is turned on - even before it has completed its bootup.

What is the likely cause?
I realize this could be totally unrelated since you seem to have pin-pointed the 430 as the source, but wanted to share an experience with breaking squelch in my plane.

Currently fly a Mooney 201 (building an RV10) and was having squelch break problems in it. It was finally traced to a USB plugged into my panel's aux. power plug (aka, cigarette lighter) that is used to power my iPad in flight. Replaced with another $10 USB plug and has not been a problem since. Google search will show USB adaptors are notorious for creating RF noise.
I realize this could be totally unrelated since you seem to have pin-pointed the 430 as the source, but wanted to share an experience with breaking squelch in my plane.

Currently fly a Mooney 201 (building an RV10) and was having squelch break problems in it. It was finally traced to a USB plugged into my panel's aux. power plug (aka, cigarette lighter) that is used to power my iPad in flight. Replaced with another $10 USB plug and has not been a problem since. Google search will show USB adaptors are notorious for creating RF noise.

I have had that problem before also.
I have a GTR 200 that often breaks squelch on many frequencies. I have noticed that when I power off the 430w, the squelch break on the GTR 200 immediately stops. When I power on the 430w, the squelch break on the GTR 200 immediately returns the moment the 430w power knob is turned on - even before it has completed its bootup.

What is the likely cause?

Is the squelch properly set?
Is the squelch properly set?

Not sure. I thought the GTR 200 had automatic squelch.

I plan to disconnect the gps antenna and see if the issue remains. My current guess is the gps antenna is responsible. It is mounted within 2 feet of the comm antenna.
Antenna placement would not be an issue with the com antenna until it is transmitting. Your issue is occurring prior to any transmitting.
Antenna placement would not be an issue with the com antenna until it is transmitting. Your issue is occurring prior to any transmitting.

Is this true even with the powered GPS antennas like the 430W has?

I haven't relocated the GPS antenna yet. When I went to the plane to troubleshoot planning on disconnecting the gps antenna, the gtr200 wouldn't break squelch even with the 430W powered on. I tried multiple frequencies.