
Well Known Member
Anyone feeding the GTR frequencies from the 4500? I?ve got an ICom and it isn?t recognizing what the 4500 is putting out. Want to upgrade to the GTR. Would like to know if they play nice together.
Anyone feeding the GTR frequencies from the 4500? I?ve got an ICom and it isn?t recognizing what the 4500 is putting out. Want to upgrade to the GTR. Would like to know if they play nice together.

I'm not sure how similar the AFS and Dynon units are these days, but the GTR200 plays fine with the Skyview. If the 4500 is compatible with the SL30/40 format, then you should be good.

BTW, I have been very happy with the GRT200. I have an audio panel, so I haven't used the built-in intercom, but audio and range are great overall. I hear everything up there...haha. I guess that can be bad as well, at least on 122.8 "welp, he's 100miles away, so I can ignore that"...haha

Just installed a GTR 200 and it does play well with my Skyview, but doesn't quite play perfect.

The Skyview displays frequencies (and subsequently its matched identifiers) from the GTR but the GTR does not in-kind. For example, here in NW Florida I'll get KCEW 124.05 DEP and KCEW 119.275 ASOS on the Skyview but then 124.05 / COM ACTIVE and 119.275 COM STANDBY on the GTR. I thought the GTR would show something like KCEW DEP and KCEW ASOS below its frequencies. Is this how yours works?

When troubleshooting and looking at the GTR Config RS-232 page, the Tx() counter increments. The Rx() counter increments only when I make frequency changes.

Appreciate any insight.

Gregg, RV-6