Well Known Member
Heres one that I cannot figure out. Flying to VA to pickup a mag I put 2VA3 into the GTN60XI and it did not have it in its database. I put 2VA3 into the Skyview and there it was. Any idea why the GTN database would not have all the airports that are listed on a chart also in the database? Maybe there is a setting in the 650 that "deselects" airports based on some criteria?


Shown here in the Dynon


Shown missing in the current database of the 650
Heres one that I cannot figure out. Flying to VA to pickup a mag I put 2VA3 into the GTN60XI and it did not have it in its database. I put 2VA3 into the Skyview and there it was. Any idea why the GTN database would not have all the airports that are listed on a chart also in the database? Maybe there is a setting in the 650 that "deselects" airports based on some criteria?


Shown here in the Dynon


Shown missing in the current database of the 650

Garmin typically does provide data for private airports and/or grass strips. Whereas the data Dynon uses for their maps do show them. There are several airports in my area that fall into that category. I just use the internal flight plan on my EFIS for those airports when using the autopilot.
Yep - you will find many airports not in the Garmin database. You must create a user waypoint in the 650 - just label it with the airport designation.

I talked to Garmin

I had that problem with my GTN750 also. It was frustrating to plan a flight in GarminPilot and be unable to load it to the GTN because airports were not recognized. I just bought new databases and asked the Garmin Rep about it. He acknowledged the issue and suggested I get/use Jeppesen's NavDatabase and that should help. Cost was the same. I haven’t gotten to see if it helps yet.

I have also been told by others if you pay for the helicopter NavDatabase it has all the small airports. Not certain this is true.
I like to export from ForeFlight

If you have ever received an IFR route with some odd ball waypoints (like DME distance on a VOR radial) it is very difficult to enter them directly in a GTN.

However, if you received the route via ForeFlight, it is super easy to transfer the ForeFlight route to the GTN. I connect my iPad to the G3X via Bluetooth and the G3X sends the route to GTN.

So if you roll your own flight plan on FF to an airport that is not in the GTN database, you could export it to the GTN. I think it might send it as a waypoint. I don’t know if FF works differently than GarminPilot in this case.
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This is my airport that Tim flew into. You think a box that costs 12K would have all the airports in it's database. I have the same set up in my RV-10. Funny thing is that Garmin Pilot has my airport in it's database. So can I just create the flightplan and fly it into the 650? Nope. Error comes up. Can't load flightplan. I do have a waypoint that I created for my Home airport.

So what I have to do when filing for IFR is create and file using Garmin Pilot (or you could use FF) Then after filed, change my starting point to an airport or waypoint that the 650 recognizes. After I bluetooth it the 650, then I can change the starting point to my home waypoint. Kind of a pain.
Back in the day, deciding between Advanced Flight and the big G, it was details like this and the refusal to support custom approaches into private airstrips (a feature I thought I wanted but will admit I've never used to date) that tipped me in favor of the less expensive avionics vendor. The work-arounds discussed here sound like quite the dance.

I guess variations in feature sets are a big reason we need and have competing manufacturers vying for our $$$.
After a Garmin database update to my GTN650, I noticed treasure coast air park missing that had been in the prior database.
I called Garmin on this, and they switched me from Garmin Database to the Jeppesen data base and that resolved the issue.
The Garmin databases for G3X systems, and all their portable units made in the last couple decades, contain all private airports in the US. It's the certified units that don't, I imagine because somebody with the power of the pen decided to say "no" that day.