Well Known Member
I'm very close to needing to rivet on the forward skin on my T/U 7A. While I still have good access to all the wiring, I would like to know if there are any additional wires that I could install now for future upgrades. I'm thinking specifically about ADS-B. But then, it seems there are several stand-alone solutions for accomplishing ADS-B. Also thinking about an S-mode transponder?

The GTN650 feeds ARINC & RS232 to my TruTrak A/P and to an HS34 which is networked with a D-100/120. I also have a GTX327 but I'm not yet sure the 650 RS-232 is hooked-up to it. (Not really sure what advantage there is to setting squawk on the GTN vs the 327 itself?) In addition there are connections to my PM3000 intercom.

I guess I'm not real sure what I'm asking here. :( I just don't want to be on my back under the panel trying to make wire connections when I could have easily made some pigtail drops ahead of time. I really don't plan to make any 'major' upgrades.

Don't beat me up too bad. :eek: Just trying to think of the possibilities.

Thanks for any advice.