
Well Known Member
I have a dual G3X and a GTN650. I recently updated the software on the GTN to the latest ver. 6.21. I noted in the instructions that the old nav data format would not work with the new software... OK fine.

But what I did not notice was that the normal Nav Data update procedure would no longer work with a Mac... I spent a couple of days trying to figure this out, and finally got through to tech support.

I found out that one must go to the support section of flygarmin and download a new communicator for the Mac in order to download the Nav Data in a readable format for ver 6.21.

I keep only the Nav Data current on the GTN650, not the base map, flight charts or obstacles or anything else. All the other stuff is kept current on the G3X's...

So I finally got the new nav data installed BUT...

The GTN650 does not boot up the same as previously. After pressing the splash screen to continue, I get a "DATA CARD UPDATES" screen, with all of the expired info on the Garmin card shown, then I get the "Currently Installed Software" screen which looks familiar from the past software versions, then I get the "Instrument Panel Self Test" screen, which I have not seen on previous versions. This screen has the warning that "...map and terrain data is only to be used as a general reference..." which would seem to indicate that the unit is not legal for IFR... Somewhat concerning.

The system info screen shows that the latest Nav Data is installed...

Does anyone have any similar issues or suggestions?
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It means exactly what it says, that the map and terrain data may be obsolete. But neither is required for IFR operation, just the nav data is.
That's reassuring. Now after re-reading the screen, it does in fact say "map and terrain data..." not Nav data...
