
Well Known Member
Trouble shooting lose of nav map

garmin gtn 650
Map has stopped showing on screen. I haven't updated the database since early January as I primarilu use my G3X.

Does the appearance of the map disappear 3 months after expiration.
Nav feastures of GTN650 still work just overlaid on a dark screen with no map?

Tom H
Had the same problem

After I did the software update recently I had same issue, black map. I can't remember the screen sequences at the moment, but I discovered that the file was still on the SD card, it just doesn't load. Well, I poked around enough & found a list that showed a list of the SD files. I touched the box to the left of it which placed a check mark next to it, then selected "load" (I think). Then re-booted. BTW, you have to be in configuration mode to do it. I called Garmin before all this & they had never heard of this problem. Anyway, got things up an running as they were.
Good luck.
VAF tech support

I contacted Garmin aviation support (via email) with the same question and received no useful feedback. I did at least receive a response. Should have known to contact VAF tech support first. My terrain map "not found" after recent software update. I'll try to find manually.