
Well Known Member
I finished my -14A in April and have mostly been focused on getting Phase I done, getting paint, getting all the little punch list items done, etc.

I'm finally getting to the point of focusing on XC flights getting instrument current again. One area where I have felt very limited has been in getting the most from my GTN650. I've been able to operate it OK but never felt fully comfortable that I was getting full value, and the pilots's guide is a tome to say the least.

So I got an email from King Schools with a nice deal (25% off) on their new GTN650/750 course. It's worth the money and then some. I've learned so much I didn't know and I'm only about halfway through. John and Martha are as nerdy and corny as always, and I like it (proud nerd here!), and at their best in simplifying /organizing the information I need to get the best from my GTN. There's a new guy too (don't know his name) who's aspiring to full "King"-ness and doing a nice job.
Anyway - this is a plug for their course and a fond remembrance of all the time I've spent with the Kings over the years.
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I plan on flying behind a GTN 650/750 in my -7. Currently I fly a club 172 with a 650. I can turn it on and do the basics but would love to be able to exploit the full potential of it.

Good to hear the King’s have a good 650/750 tutorial. I attended several of the king courses back in the day when they traveled in person to put on there classes and have had a soft spot in my heart for them every since. I used their online course to get recurrent after a 20+ year layoff from flying. I’ll have to look up their GTN 650 course :)
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They have a free intro to that GTN video too before you decide to drop the $$ or not. Typical annoying King fashion but full of good info.

There is a great GTN simulator available for iPads that works very well for familiarizing yourself with the unit. It is a carbon copy of the GTN user interface so you can get used to navigating through the various menus. It will allow you to cycle through flight plans up to and through approach procedures, and even has the ability to give the 'aircraft' altitude and airspeed to simulate the flight.

This is available for free on the app store for iPads only at this time.


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This is great


There is a great GTN simulator available for iPads that works very well for familiarizing yourself with the unit. It is a carbon copy of the GTN user interface so you can get used to navigating through the various menus. It will allow you to cycle through flight plans up to and through approach procedures, and even has the ability to give the 'aircraft' altitude and airspeed to simulate the flight.

This is available for free on the app store for iPads only at this time.



This sim is outstanding. Can setup as 650 or 750. You can button punch for any scenario and dig through all the menus and settings.
This sim is outstanding. Can setup as 650 or 750. You can button punch for any scenario and dig through all the menus and settings.

I get the sim and play with it after doing the King course - I still get lots of value from instruction because the way the material is organized helps me think through it logically. As it turns out, much of the GTN functionality I won't use that much because it's easier/more natural to do the same things on the G3X. But I want to be familiar.
How About A G3X Simulator?


There is a great GTN simulator available for iPads that works very well for familiarizing yourself with the unit.


Justin - This is a great tool. I just wish Garmin offered a similar simulator for the G3X system. I'd be willing to pay for such a simulator to help me get comfortable with my new panel prior to first flight!
