
Well Known Member
Is there any way to set the GTN625 into a demo mode for training on the ground.

OR even better, send synthetic information much like when we use x-plane to send synthetic (GPS) data to the ipad.


The DEMO MODE SELECT* discrete input is used to select Demo Mode on the GTN.
When this pin is connected to ground during power up, the GTN starts up in Demo Mode. Demo Mode allows the GTN to simulate reception of GPS satellite signals.
(this is only wired on bench setups)

Demo Mode can also be accessed by holding down the D key during power-up.

Not that I know of but since the 625 has a native touch interface, I find the PC GTN simulator much more valuable than for instance the G1000 simulator.

You expand that out and it's about the size of the real thing. The touch works great on the PC.

demo mode with GPS input DEMO MODE SELECT*

The DEMO MODE SELECT* discrete input is used to select Demo Mode on the GTN.
When this pin is connected to ground during power up, the GTN starts up in Demo Mode. Demo Mode allows the GTN to simulate reception of GPS satellite signals.
(this is only wired on bench setups)

Demo Mode can also be accessed by holding down the D key during power-up.

Hi Walt

I see there's 2 ways to skin this. The installation guide does show the pin and the pilot guide shows how to enter demo using the start up key sequence. I didn't see a section I can certainly set up a bench config but didn't see where it derives a synthetic input. It looks like a means to tell it where it is at a single point, but not accept an external GPS like x-plane. Am I missing something?
