Mark Dickens

Well Known Member
I'm going to contact Garmin about this, but wanted to see if anyone had any issues with the latest 650 update? I updated mine, it said it was successful and listed the correct s/w versions after I re-booted it, but now my comm side is dead...can't hear anything and won't transmit...nada, nil, nothing...anyone?
No issues here.

I would double/triple check the power to the COM side. It has an independent power input.
I upgraded my 650 to v.6.21 a couple of weeks ago and no issues at all.

What Brian said. There are actually three different pins on the P1003 connector that you can wire the COM input power to, if you wanted to have backup power. Garmin recommends a 10A CB or fuse for the power input, I would check here first.
All three pins have power. I have it wired through a VPX and allocated three breakers to the unit. In fact, After I noted the problem, I did go and in cycle the power to the comm section only, with no change. Heading to airport again, and will try it again....thanks
Well, I turned it on and it works now....hmmm. Maybe just cycling the comm power wasn't enough. Oh well, all's well that ends well. Thanks for the help!