
Well Known Member
G3X/GTN 650: RNAV GPS approach, on approach final leg, from an IAF the 650 on-screen way points displayed they scroll down as each way point is reached/passed, on the 6750 screen when you pass the bottom way point visible on the screen the way point does not automatically scroll to the next way point.

I am presenting a request to Garmin that the way point list automatically scroll down in the approach screen way points list

This is in the interest of safety, convenience, reducing pilot workload, and good practice.
If you’re talking about the waypoint list on the 650’s flight plan page, I’ve never noticed. To me it’s simply not an issue. After verifying the waypoints against the plate after I load the approach on the 650 I rarely look at it again unless I have to activate a leg or go to a downstream fix. I only look at the active waypoint that’s displayed on the PFD as part of my normal scan. YMMV…….
I’ve not noticed that on my gtn650. I’m a little like Todd in that I don’t use the 650 much in my scan and depend on info on the efis screen. With that said, I have noticed that waypoints scroll since the view typically just shows the current waypoint and the next. As soon as I pass the current waypoint, it scrolls down one to the next waypoint.
re Auburntsts / rleffler comments

I understand that for folks that do not follow the way point list it isn't worth hooting about.

rieffler comment > ". . .waypoints scroll since the view typically just shows the current waypoint and the next. As soon as I pass the current waypoint, it scrolls down one to the next waypoint."

Yes, it does scroll automatically until it reaches the bottom way point displayed on the screen, then when you pass the last way point displayed, to see the next way point you have to scroll manually (do not know if this is the case for the 750. Or, maybe your list continues to scroll automatically - which means that there is something in the configurations to adjust for that. If that's the case can you send me the path to configure it.)

I like to check the way points progression as I fly down the glide path. It would not make any difference for those that do not follow the way points progression. I'm sure that there are those that do follow it, as I do - a simple adjustment to the software code would not affect some and would reduce the cockpit work load a little for others when on the gauges in actual on approach final. Different strokes for different folks. And, maybe it will come to pass that I will be comfortable not reviewing the way point progression on final.
Must be taboo for Garmin to toch it?

This was brought up a while ago but nothing has changed. I understand why you want it to automatically scroll as I would like the same thing. On an approach I keep my GTN on the flight plan page just to confirm altitudes at each waypoint and wish I didn't have to manually scroll.

I have posted a request query to G3Xpert via VAF, talked to G3Xpert opertaions tech who claimed they sent a note to the G3X ops, sent separate email, inquired directly with a G3X on-line tech . . . all to no avail. It must be verboten for Garmin to say anything up, down, left, or right regarding this issue/question. Not even a, "We can't or will not do anything about it because . . . "

Makes me wonder what is hiding behind door number 3.