
Well Known Member
I got this message today on a flight and the pilot manual said "Dealer Service"

Can anyone enlighten me on the issue and implications for "service"?

How is your GTN configured? RS-232 i/o's, HSDB, ARINC, etc.

There's a section in the install manual that refers to external heading sources...
Brian, good comment , I'll check the wiring diagram for that specifically.

It just appeared after 230 hrs of (seemingly) perfect operation.
650 "DATA SOURCE" Message .. UPDATE ..

My first question is what changed and why now? Here is the background and event chain leading to a 650 error Message that was not real.

Discovery - the G3X is much slower than the 650 in the boot cycle. Although I have all the latest (I think SW) the message appeared.

My start sequence is battery-backup on- to boot the G3X then master on and start sequence. Well, my TWC IBBS battery is not charging (2nd failure) and the G3X has not completed the boot before I switched on the avionics (includes the 650). I had already done all my preflight checks and taxied up-shut down for a passenger. The restart sequence was faster than normal cold sequence. And . . I did not wait for the full g3x boot to continue in the checklist switch activations.

Yesterday, I watched the info errors on the G3X and found the RS232 and ARINC 429 connection errors disappear late in the boot sequence as linkage was established. It took longer than I thought. When errors were allowed to clear before turning on the 650 (Avionics), there were no error messages on the 650.

Now what I believe to have happened (but will discuss with Garmin)- - I think that the error generating SW code for the" Data Source: HDG" is encountered and posted to the screen before the data buss connection handshaking is completed, but is not revisited after the connection is made, i.e. is not constantly being checked (?). This allowed my direction up map to display properly but the error message would not disappear even though it was no longer valid. The location of the error message posting location in the line of boot code was before the ARINC could be finished due to the slower speed of the G3X booting process.

1) Charge/Replace IBBS battery.
2) Discuss SW with Garmin as to why the message did not disappear once "source" was connected so others won't get the message.
3) Evaluate panel change to provide more reliable IBBS, and alternative to IBBS to maintain line voltage to G3X in addition to IBBS - i.e. voltage stabilizer.

Thanks for listening.
I too worry about avionics being sensitive to engine start. For my dual SkyView and GTN-650 install, start process is:
- Left avionics on. This powers up one SkyView display (with EMS) and Comm #2 (the Dynon radio).
- Engine start. I have never had a brown out of the one powered SkyView during engine start.
- After start the right avionics comes on. This brings up the second SkyView display and the power hog GTN-650. Now overlay the cost of the GTN-650 and I have good reason to baby it.

Note - I have dual PC-625 batteries on independent busses. Both batteries are on line for engine start and for all normal operation. I do not have any backup batteries as the design eliminates the need.

Do you have a touch or non-touch system?
Generally the BU bat does not power the ARINC box, it comes up the same time as power is supplied to the 650/750, never seen that error but I alway wait for the AHRS to complete its alignment before start. So I suppose if heading info is not available (from G3X) when you boot the 650 it flags it.
Good luck getting the code changed on the 650.
Non-touch . . . Fingers crossed on SW, Walt, no expectations though.

Carl, The dual battery would help the voltage drop drastically. Our avionics are not like industrial mobile electronics like Deere and Cat. The engine ECM would work down to 7 volts and up to 47 volts. You can not have hydraulics and other things going wild on a 30 ton excavator. My vote would be all aircraft electronics to be the same way, but . . . no clout.