Well Known Member
I would like to see the Garnin guy's make a software change that allows the GTN625 to scroll automatically. The way it is now if you are doing an approach and you have several fix's the Magenta bracket moves to the next fix in your approach, and then the next, on and on till the final fix. However you have to manually press the down arrow to keep the magenta bracket in the window. On a busy approach it is nice to look over and see where you are headed. It needs to have the magenta bracket stay in view at all times.
I think you must have done something in your set up. Keeping the next fix (in the magenta rectangle) on-screen is the default set up. Every 650 I've seen does this automatically. (I actually don't like it, but to each his own).
While they are at it, if they could make the unused knobs be used for scrolling and zooming as well, just like the G3X screens. Right now you have to use the touch screen arrows/buttons. Seems like the knobs are for the GTN-650 radio functions only.


This is a great point! It would be awesome if the GTN 625 knob would zoom. Seems like a simple yet very valuable feature.

The GTN needs an external pressure altitude source to be able to automatically sequence legs. GTN Pilot Guide Procedures pg 133.
If no baro-corrected altitude data is provided to the GTN unit, altitude leg types
must be manually sequenced.
