
Ok, per the RV-3 support idea thread let's try a meeting and see how it goes. The first topic will be General RV-3 build considerations, aimed at new builders or those seriously considering building. Here's how it'll work...
  • I'll schedule a GTM (GoToMeeting) by posting an announcement here in the RV-3 forum just like this one a couple days in advance (like this one).
  • IF you are interested and can make it then send me a PM with your name and e-mail address for each specific meeting. There is a limit of 15 participants with my account so don't sign up if you can't make it or the topic isn't germane to you. Several of you have sent your e-mails to me already but that won't work since a) I don't want to have to keep track of everyone's e-mail, and b) I don't know if you can make the specific session. If you don't know how to use the PM feature of this forum software please brush up on it.
  • Some time the day of the meeting you'll receive an e-mail invitation to the session: just follow the instructions by clicking on the link to activate the screen viewing software, then dial into the conference call by following the instructions. It's easy, just follow the instructions on the invitation.
  • In the applet console on your computer you'll see the list of everyone who is logged in and also note there is a text chat feature where you can type messages to the group if needed.
Remember, this is an experiment, we might find it useful and then again we might not. Don't worry if you can't make any particular session, this forum is still here and is our main communicatin tool... your RV-3 brothers are always here to help! Still, there's just no substitute sometimes for interactive conversation, especially when supported by on-screen graphics and pictures so let's give it a try.

Who's in for Monday at 4:00 pm PST? (respond by PM and be sure and include your e-mail address)
Good first session

Six people participated in this first call and we talked for about an hour and a half. I think everyone felt it was worthwhile.

Going forward, everyone agreed that it would be best to have a specific topic so pics and other materials can be prepared in advance. I think what we should do is let folks post topic requests and questions here on the forum and if there's enough people we'll schedule another one and need dictates.

Oh, and no one had any problem with the GTM software, pretty easy.