I’m installing a G3X system. The Garmin installation manual says “It is critical that the GSU 25 is mounted in alignment with the centerline of the aircraft. ”
Where specifically are my fellow RV-14 builders mounting their GSU 25’s?
Many people mount this right on the back of G3X (GDU 460) but mine is mounted on the subpanel just forward of the primary GDU 460 and the primary reason for that is for GSU 25 needs to be mounted some where with as little vibration as possible.
They mean in 'alignment with' not 'on' the center line. Make it square with the center line and if you are left or right of the center line a small amount it won't matter.

Mine is mounted on the back of the screen - less than a foot to the left of the center line, and I have had no problems with it there. There is some concern with vibration in my mounting position but I have not experienced any issues with it there. YMMV on that issue.
I have my GSU 25 mounted to the back of the PFD GDU 460. My original installation on the 14 (500 hours) was behind a Superior XP400 and I regularly experienced “AHRS Revert” issues that Garmin attributed to vibration and recommended that I relocate it to the subpanel as others have done. (I also had a number of PMag issues also attributable to unusual vibration). When my Superior was replaced with a Lycoming 390, both GSU 25 and PMag issues have resolved themselves (100+ hours). My only conclusion is that these “vibration gremlins” are sneaky devils - I don’t think I could detect any specific difference between the engines vibration characteristics.