I don?t have an answer but am interested in opinions here as well. I too installed the Ray Allen 26g 5 conductor wire that is unshielded and am trying to decide if I want to run new wire.
See this thread: http://www.vansairforce.com/community/showthread.php?t=141478

It points out that the wiring from the GSA28 to the trim motor should be shielded. The G3X docs show it clearly. In our stock Vans wiring it is not run this way. Has anyone had problems with the unshielded wiring in an RV14?

Here is a link to a similar thread where Steve addressed this question. The short answer is the shielded wire is there to help limit potential interference with other systems on the aircraft. It may work without shielded wire, but if you run into noise issues caused by the trim motor running, unshielded wire is going to be one of the items we want to rule out.

No noise in my plane

I am using the wiring harness as supplied by Van's (no shielding on the pitch trim wires). I have not experienced any noise that I can detected. In the Garmin diagrams, i'm not sure if there is a single wire that they don't spec out as shielded :D
Same results - 130+ hours on the plane, standard Vans harness and no issues with trim noise or interference.