
Well Known Member
Anyone have the Garmin GSA 28 roll/pitch servos installed that might be able to post a pic?

Here's some of my RV-6, I think is the same as an RV-9. I chose the fuselage install for the roll servo, you can also install it in the wing, of course. Here's the roll servo under the copilot seat:


I have more if you need them.
Valeu Guilherme. Da pra fazer um zoom out pra eu ter uma ideia do local na asa?

First post, first couple of photos... It kinda looks like the rod ends on the servo pushrod could bind if the stick was all the way back.

Worth a check....

First post, first couple of photos... It kinda looks like the rod ends on the servo pushrod could bind if the stick was all the way back.

Worth a check....


Dave, actually they did bind a little and I had to reduce the size of the big washer somewhat to prevent the binding. Good eye. After that minor mod, it's working great. I like the fuselage mount of the roll servo, but if I was building from scratch I would go with the wing install. This was done after the airplane was built, and in a -6, a wing install is quite difficult because of limited access. Thanks!
Here's some of my RV-6, I think is the same as an RV-9. I chose the fuselage install for the roll servo, you can also install it in the wing, of course. Here's the roll servo under the copilot seat:


I have more if you need them.

What are those reinforced sections on your push tube?

Just curious.


I would be very concerned with the installation of the stop bracket in this photo. The stop bracket does not/cannot sit flush on the servo as designed with this particular mount, Minimal thread engagement of the stop attach screws and a cocked stop could cause the stop to become detached which may cause ailerons to jam.

My solution on installs has been to verify no possibility of the servo going over-center and not install stop bracket in the aileron position.

Edit/Update: After further discussion with the G3X team they and their mechanical engineer are satisfied that the bracket bending is not critical and that the stop will perform its function safely if installed as shown. I will always admit when I am wrong and the guys smarter than me say this is ok so I revise my comments above and recommend you install the bracket per the Garmin drawing.
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Which hole in servo arm?

I see in the picture above that the outer most hole is used in the servo arm. For the RV-7 the G3X install manual specifies that the AN7 bolt should go through the middle hole, however to insert this from the backside seems impossible without taking the arm off completely. Does anyone know how to accomplish this install, or are -7 and -8 builders using the outboard hole instead?
If you pull the cotter pin out and loosen the nut the arm will drop down enough to install the bolt in the center hole. Be careful when reinstalling that you don't over tighten the nut (tightening procedure is in the manual).
Thanks Walt. I was hoping that you would say that I can use the outermost hole, but it appears that's not to be. Crushed.
So it turns out that the pivot for the servo arm is slightly closer to the right edge than it is to the top, so if you remove the stop bracket and rotate the servo arm to the right, you can get the bolt, washer and pushrod bearing through. It just means that you have to do this first, before you lock down the stop bracket or connect the pushrod to the bellcrank assembly. The things you do when you don't have a spare cotter pin around (yes, I ordered a bunch more today). It's even easier when you only have to remove half the stop bracket, as I cut mine in half and ground the bottom of it off so that it's not wedged on an angle like it is in the photograph above. I don't care if Garmin says it's OK, that's not the kind of engineering I want in my aircraft. I ran some quick calcs on the subsequent moment load change and impact on screw loads it came out fine.