
Well Known Member
Here?s one for the brain trust. Starteu up the plane today and an error message on the G3x touch flashes saying
Roll servo power supply fault
Roll servo hardware fault

Never had a lick of trouble in 2.5 years since installing everything. Started at the servo snd checked power to the GSA 28. 12.9v. So I?m getting power to the servo. Did it just decide to go TU? Any experience, thoughts or fixes? I have no clue as to why. Nothing has changed and all has worked flawlessly until now.

They had a few bad servos a few years ago that would exhibit that fault due to some internal software problems I think.
Send the G3X guys an email and see if they can help.
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Last year two of mine failed simultaneously while in flight. Garmin replace them. There were great to work with.
Servo failure

I had both GSA 28 servos fail, one after the other. I was never warned, before installation, that there had already been a "rash of failures" of the servos (that's an actual quote from a Garmin dealer).

After the first one failed, Garmin refused to replace the second one, telling me it wouldn't fail.

But it did. And I was not the only person who had both servos fail. This suggests to me that the failure rate was pretty high, at least for some range of servos.

At least they didn't make me pay for the new servo before sending the second replacement. (With the first one, I had to pay Garmin and then get a credit when I returned the defective one).

To my knowledge, Garmin never recalled the defective servos, so there could still be some defective ones out there, waiting to be installed and then waiting to fail. I could be wrong about that, maybe they did do a recall -- or maybe it was a software problem that they were able to fix without recalling hardware.

Last year two of mine failed simultaneously while in flight. Garmin replace them. There were great to work with.
It turns out my servo was not one of the "batch" that were failing. Since my servo is out of warranty, I paid an exchange fee of $100 for a new one and returned mine to Garmin. Since my other servo has not failed, that option is not open to me to replace the pitch servo. I guess we'll just wait and see......
That's interesting

This response suggests they know the problematic serial number range, which would be very useful to know. Given that there's been no recall (that I'm aware of), presumably some of the bad ones are still out there flying or waiting to be installed.

I sent them my serial number and they told me it was not in that batch.