
Well Known Member
I have a SportEX, a MiniAP and an EIS. I got frustrated finding things in the heirarchy so I made a Word document of the entire menu structure of each of them. I think it's like 58 pages long. Makes it super easy to find what you're looking for and to verify limits match, etc. Happy to share via email if anyone thinks this would be helpful. excerpt below:

Inter-Display Link: (Change to Activate Menu)
- Inter-Display Link ID: PRIMARY
- Valid Frames Received: 2913
- Compare Limits: YES
- Send EIS Data YES
- Send Analog Inputs YES
- Send SL30-1 Data YES
- Send SL30-1 Commands YES
- Send SL30-2 Data NO
- Send SL30-2 Commands NO
- Send SL40-1 Commands NO
- Send SL40-2 Commands NO
- Send GPS Data YES
- Send ARINC Data NO
- Send Zaon/GTX330/ADS-B Traffic NO
- Send Vertical Power Data NO
- Send Transponder Commands NO
- Send Measured AOA Data YES
- Receive Analog Aux: (Change to Activate Menu)
Receive Analog Aux Ch1: Auto
Receive Analog Aux Ch2: Auto
Receive Analog Aux Ch3: Auto
Receive Analog Aux Ch4: Auto
Receive Analog Aux Ch5: Auto
Receive Analog Aux Ch6: Auto
Receive Analog Aux Ch7: Auto
Receive Analog Aux Ch8: Auto
Receive Analog Aux Ch9: Auto
Receive Analog Aux Ch10: Auto
Receive Analog Aux Ch11: Auto
Receive Analog Aux Ch12: Auto
Receive Analog Aux Ch13: Auto
Receive Analog Aux Ch14: Auto
Receive Analog Aux Ch15: Auto
Receive Analog Aux Ch16: Auto
- Dimmer Link: ON
- Special Options: (Change to Activate Menu)
Send Demo Data NO
Share Internal Flight Plan YES
Share Selected Heading YES
Share Selected Courses YES
Share NAV Mode YES

Wireless: (Change to Activate Menu)
- Bluetooth (Change to Activate Menu)
Status Adapter Not Detected
Discoverable NO
Confirmation Passkey XXXXXXXXXXX
ARINC Module Connected: No
Serial Port 1 Rate: 19200
Serial Port 1 Input: DISPLAY-UNIT LINK
Serial Port 1 Output: DISPLAY-UNIT LINK
Serial Port 1 Input Counter 202031
Serial Port 2 Rate 9600
Serial Port 2 Output GRT AUTOPILOT SERVO
Serial Port 2 Input Counter 0
Serial Port 3 Rate 9600
Serial Port 3 Input EIS/ENGINE MONITOR
Serial Port 3 Output FUEL/AIR DATA (Z FORMAT)
Serial Port 3 Input Counter 101817
Last edited:
Of Note

Format ain't all that great, but I did try to add explanations to settings that were "weird". Also of note - I set all engine limits in the EFIS's. The only duplicate I have in the EIS is oil pressure since the EIS boots almost instantly. Don't want to wait around for the EFIS's to boot to watch my engine seize. That is why most of the EIS limits and pages are deactivated, so there is not much of interest in the EIS section, but it does give you the hierarchy.

Make SURE - if you have two GRT EFIS's, the limits are set the same AND the inputs match identically - i.e. AUX1 RPM. MUST be set to AUX1 in both EFIS's.

By the way - if someone is in the Northern Virginia area that has the new 10" Hxr, I'd be glad to duplicate this and maybe we could post it on the site. All I do is videotape all the screens and then get my daughter to earn 10 dollars an hour typing it in. I'm kidding, my daughter is away at college.

I can tell you it really helped me get all the boxes set up correctly and talking to one another.

Happy to give back to the community.

Thanks Dave! Excellent work - it's clear you invested a lot of time in this. Really appreciate it!
By the way - if someone is in the Northern Virginia area that has the new 10" Hxr, I'd be glad to duplicate this and maybe we could post it on the site.


I would be interested in getting a list for the 10.1 Horizon if you end up doing one.
Back up?

I hope you’ve made a backup usb file so you don’t lose your settings and have to re-enter if lost or incorrectly altered.
EFIS Setting Extraction From GRT DEMO File

If, for some reason, you can't find your Settings.bak file or your EFIS died before you had a chance to export one, the data can be extracted from the binary DEMO file and then reloaded into your EFIS after you get it repaired.

Additionally, you can import it into a new GRT EFIS, although you'll have to still set any parameters that are unique to the newer hardware. I did this when upgrading from a Horizon WS to a Horizon EX and it saved me a ton of time.

If you'd like a copy of an Excel spreadsheet that has embedded macros to perform the extraction from the DEMO file, please PM me.

Alternately, you can check to see if Emarit Ranu's excellent data analysis tool with this feature has been released.

Also, if you had lots of user-defined waypoints or flight plans, I've been playing around with extracting that information from a DEMO file also, but it's not completed nor documented yet. If there's interest, I'll get back to working on it and distribute it when I have a chance.

N706DR (minority partner)