
Well Known Member
When I designed my panel I decided to use a 496 for XM weather and a backup GPS instead of getting the GRT weather option.

Now that I'm flying, I find the 496 very hard to read due to glare where I've got it mounted (right next to the rollbar) and I'm re-thinking using the GRT weather.

When I saw the GRT weather set up a couple of years ago at S-n-F, I thought their weather add-on was quite large but my memory is a bit fuzzy on this.

What does it take to add weather to an existing H-1? How big is the WxWorx antenna compared to the XM antenna? I don't really have space to add any thing behind my panel.
Rick, as for the antenna, it is just the little 1.5" or so square XM antenna, not the big 496 antenna...quite small. The box you will have to use is found on this page: http://www.grtavionics.com/product.aspx?productno=1&featureno=24 In the package comes the processor and the WxWorks box. You can also see on their site the wiring required for your H-1. Go to their website and look under documents, then weather connector descriptions.
My HX is a little different. As for the weather, I do like it on the GRT and can see it nicely. The software upgrades have improved the presentation of the weather also, although I am using their latest beta software.

When I upgraded my panel due to the rebuild, it was a little tight finding a suitable spot behind my panel.
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Its a simple installation. power, ground, serial wire to screen. Antennae to wx unit. Not much to it.
xm wx box is about the size of the AHRS box. Not as tall. Much lighter weight. There used to be a picture of one on their website but I could not find it.

Antennae is a little 'puck' type I believe. At least that is what I installed. Ive had it running for years.
GRT Weather

You will love the weather shown on the GRT. I will not go IFR if I do not have weather up and running. Being able to look out 500 miles while still on the ground and see what is being painted and at the same time zoom down to 20 miles and see what is happening right around you is awsome. On one 300 mile trip I planned a VFR flight because of thunderstorms (didn't want to get routed by ATC into one) I got halfway there (SE direction) decided that I ought to turn right 270 degrees and head back up and away from two cells that were rapidly building together from the left and right of my route of flight. By the time I go 50 miles NNW both cells had come together and I ended up flying NNW about 75 miles turning W for another 50 miles and then headed SW until I got completly around the Western edge and then turning back East to my destination. Added about 45 minutes to my flight time but well worth having the piece of mind. At the point I turned and headed by NNW I still had good visability ahead and was VFR. If I had not had XM weather I would have probably ended up going much closer to the to converging cells than I would have wanted.

Once in a great while you can lose the XM weather feed and then it can be a pain if you are at the airplane and ready to depart and discover you are not getting the weather feed. I keep the XM phone number programed in my cell phone so that I can call them and get a re-hit if necessary. As long as you are not IFR at your departure you can get a re-hit while flying. You have to remember not only to call XM but also to turn on the GRT Weather activation page so that the re-hit can take effect.

I have about 10 hours total time IFR in and around weather and consider the XM weather one of two things necessary for IFR flying. A two axis Autopilot is the other.

Best regards,

Are there any pictures of the processor/receiver? If I understand the difference between the H1 and HX, the H1 requires a processor and receiver while the HX only requires the receiver. Is that right?

Kahuna, is the processor the box that is "about the size as the AHRS"?

Is the portable receiver on the wxworx website similar to the one that the HX uses? http://www.wxworx.com/aviation/receivers.php