
Well Known Member
Flying level at cruise speed my GRT Sport SX pitch bar is 5 degree below the horizon with the pitch ladder offset at 0. The magnetometer has been checked and mounted in the same orientation as the AHRS/Air Data Computer. Have been advised to correct this by setting pitch ladder offset at +5. Is this a normal setting for most RV8 or 8A?s with GRT Systems?

Set menu

You can go into the set menu and select primary flight dislpay and when flying level, adjust it. It's called Pitch ladder offset
Is this a normal?

Jerry, Is this a normal adjustment to get the pitch bar to show level flight at cruise? I found the pitch ladder offset and needs to be at +5 offset to show level flight at cruise.
That's normal

In my eight it's at 6 degrees. On the ground I'm showing about 8 degrees nose up attitude.
Thank you

That's the answer I was hoping for. My 8A also ended up on 6.
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