
Active Member
Finally got a chance to test my "New to me" GRT series 1 screens and I pretty sure my internal? gps is not working.

So my question: Is it possible to get a GPS signal from my GDL 39?

Anyone done this? Also I'm assuming the Series 1 will display traffic but will it display weather also?

If the series one is the same thing as the Horizon WS then the answer is yes, it will display weather and traffic ?IF? you have ads-b ?in? hardwired to the EFIS. You should make sure you have the latest software installed (v36) and if you haven?t hardwired an ads-b input review the GRT documentation for wiring up the input source to the EFIS. You also have to select ?radar? on the EFIS.
The GDL39 is not listed on the GRT website as compatible. To display on a Horizon WS you must have a RS232 interface. Garmin only appears to have Bluetooth. There is no Bluetooth on older GRT equipment.


Jim Butcher