erich weaver

Well Known Member
OK, finally got several hours of flying under my belt on my -7A, but still trying to absorb everything my GRT EFIS is throwing at me. Maybe someone could enlighten me. I note that on the PFD page, a very small square is appearing on the screen. Sometimes it is centered within the small circle between my schematic "wings", other times it wanders a short distance away from the circle. What is this square and what is its position relative to the circle trying to tell me? (besides my IQ)

I also have noticed that what I think is called a pitch ladder (horizontal white lines in the center of the screen, above and below my schematic wings, one of which is labeled "10") is sometimes present on the screen, but not always. What triggers the pitch ladder to appear/disappear?

I also remember from the website or manual that there is a Highway in the Sky (HITS) feature that looks like a series of windows on the screen that can guide you down to the runwau, but I have not seen that feature come on. Whats the deal on that - Im a VFR kind of guy - do you have to have an IFR approach set up on the EFIS or something for that to kick in? Just curious - gotta be able to show it off at some point, even if I dont really need it for my style of flight.


IIRC, pitch ladder goes away when you're flying straight and level..

As for HITS -- it's explained in the manual, but briefly -- you have to have a destination be an airport (either external or internal flight plan) and then you can go to SAP and arm it (select one runway to do approach to)... then the boxes will pop up when you actually are close to intercepting final course.. within 2.5 degrees of extended centerline. More details are in the manual.. I've shown it off several times now and it never fails to impress :)

I also have noticed that what I think is called a pitch ladder (horizontal white lines in the center of the screen, above and below my schematic wings, one of which is labeled "10") is sometimes present on the screen, but not always. What triggers the pitch ladder to appear/disappear?

I also remember from the website or manual that there is a Highway in the Sky (HITS) feature that looks like a series of windows on the screen that can guide you down to the runwau, but I have not seen that feature come on. Whats the deal on that - Im a VFR kind of guy - do you have to have an IFR approach set up on the EFIS or something for that to kick in? Just curious - gotta be able to show it off at some point, even if I dont really need it for my style of flight.


The square thing doesn't ring a bell for me, however, HITS is enabled by setting a gps waypoint that is an airport, and then enabling a synthetic approach. It will then ask you which runway and prioritize based on current calculated winds :). Cool stuff.
small box

I note that on the PFD page, a very small square is appearing on the screen. Sometimes it is centered within the small circle between my schematic "wings", other times it wanders a short distance away from the circle. What is this square and what is its position relative to the circle trying to tell me?

On my display I have a circle with a bar through it. It is called the "Flight Path Marker". I think what you see is a different version of the flight path marker. On the PFD settings page you can set "Attitude Heading Reference Index" to either "BAR" or "NOSE". I have the "BAR" and you probably set it to "NOSE". Actually, in your case you have a green circle at the center of the display and a moving white circle with short bars representing wings and vertical stabilizer (little airplane).

If you keep the current heading (your circle at the center of the display) your flight path will lead you to the center of the little airplane.


Wind is from the left at 15 kts. Flight path marker is on the left of the heading circle.
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Flight Path Marker


Hi Erich,

What you are seeing on the screen, as you describe it, is the Flight Path Marker or Velocity Vector. What the FPM is showing you is where the airplane is going. The Flight Bar is the nose attitude reference showing you where the nose is pointed.

The above screen shot (on an HS display) shows us in a steep left bank. The nose of the airplane is 10 degrees above the horizon (shown by the pitch ladder). The FPM (circle with wings and tail on it) is just below the horizon indicating a descent (280 ft/min.) and the wind blowing us to the south (left crosswind out of the north at 16 kts).

One way to fly the FPM is to put it where you want to go. When you see the airport/runway on the screen just fly the airplane so the FPM is on the approach end of the runway. That is where the airplane is going. The nose may be pointed to the left or right of the runway, especially with a strong crosswind.

You can also use the FPM to level off precisely at your target altitude. Simply put the FPM on the horizon at the point in time you want to level off. You won't be ascending or descending.

The airport in front of us in this screenshot is Battle Creek, Mi.

Carlos Fernandez
GRT Avioincs
Velocity Vector Cripple

When I flew Hornets, it was the first time I had a velocity vector. It was very tempting around the boat to just put the VV on the 3-wire and focus on that. Not good... We referred to that as getting 'HUD crippled'.

IMHO, use the VV as a great guide for where you're headed, but around the landing pattern especially, always be cognizant of your decent rate, crab angle, airspeed, etc. I know VFR those things are "seat of the pants", just make sure you keep 'wearing the pants' and not the EFIS.
Good stuff from Carlos and others. I had been confusing the FPM with the center dot (very small solid rectangle actually) of the turn coordinator. Its finally dawned on me that where my nose is pointed may not be the same as where the plane is flying to., and that this is the case not only laterally but vertically as well. Well, duh...
