
Well Known Member
Yesterday on an IFR training flight ATC was showing two squawk codes (the second was 1200) coming from the airplane. I was also getting an intermittent message on the GRT EFIS, ?check altimeter setting?, which I have not seen before (it was set correctly). I have a GRT Safe-fly package (uAvionix Echo and GRT WAAS GPS) with the Echo sniffing a Garmin 327. The transponder was verified during the instrument check at my local avionics shop just before Oshkosh. I am upgrading my Garmin 430 in the next week or two (new unit on order) and will have the transponder rechecked then.

We pulled the breaker for the ADSB (after notifying ATC) then checked back with ATC, the second squawk code disappeared. We reset the breaker after a few minutes and asked ATC if they were seeing the second squawk code and they stated no.

I performed a software upgrade on the Echo about a month ago to resolve the disappearing targets issue, not sure if it is related to this issue.
On a past IFR practice flight our squawk code had to be reset several times as ATC claims we were not showing up on their end.

I requested a report after the flight yesterday, the report did show a failure of 0.74% on flight ID, thinking this may be due to shutting off the unit and switching it back on. I have made many VFR flights squawking 1200 with no issues (per reports), the problem appeared only when using a squawk code other than 1200. I am planning on another flight soon to verify no issues using a 1200 squawk code.

I plan on contacting uAvionix on Monday but thought I would query the VAF forum users to see if anyone here has seen similar issues with the Echo before or after updating the Echo software.

Please post what you find out. I was using flight following on a trip recently on an assigned squawk but ATC was seeing 1200.
uAvionics Safefly 2020, Garmin GTX 327, GRT Sport SX
I spoke to Kurt at uAvionix support this morning. His suggestion was to lower the threshold by 100 to 1450.
I will give this a try, although it may be a while before posting the results as it is due to snow here starting tonight on and off throughout the week. :eek:
I will also have the transponder checked by the avionics shop that did the check in July.
I've only had mine a couple weeks, but I fly out of a class C airport so always have a squawk code other then 1200 and so far have not had any issues, I'll be interested to hear what you find since I always depart from controlled airspace so will always be required to be on.