
Well Known Member
I just installed a new GRT autopilot roll servo in the right wing of my RV-8 using GRT's installation hardware package. It took awhile to figure out how it goes together as there are no pictures of the RV-8 installation in the manual. As soon as I figure it out I will post a picture and also send a picture to GRT so they can use it in the next manual revision.

The bracket replaces the stock aileron bellcrank support bracket and makes for a very solid mount.
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Two things -

1) what drove the decision to instal in the wing vs. the fuselage;

2) that lockwire job looks pretty sketchy... If you are trying to keep that bolt secure it's too loose and neutral on top of that. (I'm a former jet engine troop, so lockwire was my life).
The black bracket replaces the stock aileron bellcrank support bracket and makes for a very solid mount. I also sent the picture to Ben at GRT so you may see it in the next revision to the manual.

Yeah... you will! ;) The totally new autopilot manual is well on its way and will be published to the website soon. Sorry it was too late for you Smokey!
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