
Well Known Member
Just curious what others' experiences are regarding emailing GRT.. Do they use that means of communication? (obviously, there's a reason why I'm asking this :eek: ...)
Give Them a Call...


GRT's email response times tend to come and go in spurts...I think that since both Todd and Greg are building RV-10's, they might forget to check the email once in awhile...

But I have never failed to get them on the phone, and have tremendous technical support and customer support this way.

Phone Sandy


Burn some anywhere minutes. Sandy will usually answer or return your call in a day. George
By coincidence, I emailed a note yesterday morning to GRT and got a response by the afternoon to answer my question. So someone is definitely "at home".

Emails are great ways to communicate, but by their nature, they are convenience oriented in that the sender sends a note when it's convenient for them and the respondant sends a reply when it's convenient for them.
Additionally, even though legitimate emails are rarely filtered out anymore because SPAM filters are getting better, I sometimes don't check my email for a couple of days at a time just because I don't want to have to sit and review all the SPAM to make sure nothing legitimate was blocked.

Telephones, on the other hand shout "Talk to me... NOW" when it rings so if you need an immediate response, the telephone is a better way to go.
Just for the record, I sent an email with my inquiry Friday afternoon, and just got the answer last night. I agree about convenience.. and that shows -- the reply came in just after midnight last night... sure wouldn't wanna get a phone call at that time :)

PS. I'm trying to get product info prior to buying, so I wasn't exactly in a hurry to talk to them NOW...