
Well Known Member
My old Sport HS PFD (P/N S200-1) failed Friday. Fortunately it was VFR and my backup scheme worked fine.

GRT no longer repairs this old unit because they can no longer get parts. Does anyone know of someone with parts that will repair the old GRT EFIS?

I've placed an order for replacement Sport EX EFIS but delivery is several months out. Does anyone have a Sport EX they do not expect to install for a few months? I'd be happy to purchase and replace when mine are delivered.


Jim Butcher
What's the failure mode? I had an 8.5 HX screen go wonky which GRT can no longer repair. They suggested I open it up and reseat connectors. I removed, deoxidized and reinstalled all the ribbon connectors. It worked and I bought myself some time. You've got nothing to lose.
I'm guessing if you drive 45 mins north, pick up some Marge's Donuts, bang on the door at about 0900 at GRT's office, they might have a look. I know that would work with me.

If not, similar to what Greg suggested, find a greybeard electronics guy in your town to see if they would have a look.
My Sport SX's screen started to fail about 2 years ago. Ended up being caused by an unsupported cable. I reseated the connector and supported the cable and it's been fine ever since.


Full writeup:
Thanks for the suggestions.

I am taking my EFIS to GRT next week for a bench test. They are thinking the main board has failed.

I'll post an update next week.

Jim Butcher

Since you have two screens, on the surviving screen did it indicate the inter-display link failed? If so, I would agree with their synopsis it is a mainboard failure. If the inter-display link still shows as working, it's most likely a display issue.
Bob, Check your PM.

Mike, yes the inter-display link failed as did the altitude to my transponder. So I'm suspicious of the main board. I have reseated the cables and it booted and looked OK for a few minutes, but then failed again.

It was a good exercise of my backups which worked fine. The VFR flight home Tuesday was a non event and 1 1/2 hr on backup scheme was a great exercise.

Thanks everyone for all the help!

An update. I took both displays to GRT this morning and they were able to getr my PFD working again. So I just need to get the settings reset and reinstall.

Thank you to everyone who replied and offered help. Your offers were generous and would have helped me get airborne before Oshkosh had GRT not been successful.

VAF is such a great resource!

Jim Butcher