
Well Known Member
Anyone know the hose ID for the Manifold Pressure connection. I could only find a recommendation for a silicon hose in the manual.

Thanks in advance!

Cheers, Sean
It's pretty small ID. Luckily I discovered it's the same I.D. as used by P-Mags!

How goes your installation, Sean? I've been holding off doing my conversion from AF2500 to EIS-66R until we can get past our chapter's Young Eagles event. With the rotten weather we've been having we've now slipped the date two weeks from original plan. Record high water this spring in the Ottawa River, and tornadoes touching down yesterday. It has not been a very good spring in terms of weather in which to fly Young Eagles.

I used small engine fuel line, (string trimmer etc.). It is a flexible plastic tube with a heavy enough wall to prevent collapse under vacuum and is good in a fuel/oil environment. It is available in the aviation isle of your local hardware store. :D
Whatever you use be sure it will withstand the vacuum load without collapsing.
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