
Well Known Member
I have a 3 screen HX with a 430(nav1) and a sl-30(nav2). When nav 1 is selected in the grt and the 430(nav 1) has a localizer freq the pfd displays the cdi dots and says ils next to it. Also if the 430 is on a vor freq the cdi dots go away. This makes sense to me, but when the 430 is on a vor freq AND you select a localizer freq on the sl-30(nav 2) it ALSO shows the cdi dots and says ils on the pfd.
My question is why is it even seeing that I changed the freq on sl-30(nav2) when nav 1 was selected?

Another question(maybe related to the first). When the grt is on nav 2 I can't make the cdi dots appear when I select a localizer freq on the sl-30 OR the 430.

Any comments, I'm new to this and probably don't know what I'm doing.

For all of you intently following this thread, I finally found the problem. It was in the configuration of the GRT. The sl-30 was set to sl30-1 instead of sl30-2. I did not build this plane so this took awhile to figure out.